
In this Forbes interview, Dr. Albright discusses the addictive quality of Tok Tok



A few relevant stats on digital natives


The number of teens who use the internet daily has risen to 97%.


Of the top five platforms – YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook – more than one-in-three, a full 35%, of teens say they are using one of them “almost constantly.”


44% of college students reported symptoms of depression, 37% reported anxiety disorders and 15% reported having seriously considered suicide in the past year—the highest recorded rates in the history of the 15-year-old Healthy Minds Study (HMS) survey.


I’m not trying to throw out all our devices — people might think it’s an indictment against devices or against social media … let’s let’s just admit — it’s fun to text, it’s fun to post on social media and Facebook and Instagram and things like that.  So I’m not against that  — it’s just that we’re out of balance with our own bodies, with our embodied lives… out of balance with nature –and we’re seeing some of the implications of that emerging: we’ve got anxiety going through the roof, and depression, and physical things like obesity and diabetes  — and there’s a whole raft of experiences that are getting getting written off (as we spend more time online), and it’s not really healthy for us in the long run.

– Dr. Julie M. Albright, JSA Interview

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