Werner DappenWerner Däppen

Professor Emeritus

Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0484, U.S.A.

Phone: 213-740-0848
Fax: 213-740-8094

Email: dappen@usc.edu


Diploma (Physics) ETH Zürich (Switzerland) 1975
Dr.Sc.Nat. (Theoretical Physics) ETH Zürich (Switzerland) 1978


2017- Professor Emeritus Department of Physics and Astronomy, USC
2006-2012 Department Chair  Department of Physics and Astronomy, USC
1998-2017 Professor  Department of Physics and Astronomy, USC
1991-1998 Associate Professor  Department of Physics and Astronomy, USC
1988-1990 Research Scientist ESA-ESTEC (The Netherlands)
1987-1988 Research Scientist CEA, Paris-Saclay (France)
1986-1987 Research Professor Observatoire de Paris-Meudon (France)
1984-1986 Research Scientist High Altitute Observatory, Boulder, Colorado
1982-1984 Postdoctoral Fellow Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge (UK)
1978-1981 Postdoctoral Fellow Observatoire de Genève (Switzerland)

Visiting Positions

2012-2013 Visiting Professor Hamburg Observatory (Germany)
2005-2006 Visiting Professor Constructor University Bremen (Germany)
1999 (Spring) Visiting Scientist Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge (UK)
1998 (Fall) Visiting Scientist Aarhus University (Denmark)
1991-1992 Visiting Lecturer Institut für Astrophysics, Vienna (Austria)


General Education Teaching Award: for Distinguished Service to the General
Education Program
, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, USC
Associates Award for Excellence in Teaching, USC 2004
“Faculty of the Month Award”, Mortar Board, USC 2001
General Education Teaching Award, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, USC 2000
Overseas Fellow, Churchill College, Cambridge (UK) 1999


Atomic physics (X-ray emission in ion-atom collisions); Stellar structure and evolution; Thermodynamics of stellar interiors; Solar and stellar oscillations; Long-term variations of the Sun; Solar neutrino problem (WIMPs); Lithium abundance in open cluster stars; Helioseismic diagnosis of the equation of state; Theory of reacting hot dense Coulomb plasmas; Many-body simulations of stellar nuclear fusion.

In 2004, as one of the three organizers of a topical workshop at the Lorentz Center (The Netherlands), I had an excellent opportunity to define a broad range of interdisciplinary topics related to stellar thermodynamics. The proceedings of the workshop were published by the American Institute of Physics (731).



Last updated July 12, 2024