The Center for Ethnographic Media Arts offers annual fellowships for advanced work in moving image, photography and sound that furthers the potential of audiovisual mediums and arts-based research. The fellows will form a core foundational community within CEMA as, together, they embark to understand human and cultural existence through the creation of non-fiction film and audio works
The Center for Ethnographic Media Arts (CEMA) is excited to announce a call for the next cohort of Graduate Fellows for the 2025-26 academic year.
The CEMA Graduate Fellowship is open to graduate students, postdoctoral and USC-affiliated research fellows and are offered on a competitive basis for approved media arts projects. Applicants must be affiliated with USC during the fellowship year for which they are applying.
Fellowships include access to production equipment, post-production facilities, technical support and monetary awards (between $1000–$5000) in some cases to defray production or post-production expenses, as well as inclusion in the CEMA community of artist-researchers, including screenings, workshops and small group critiques of works-in-progress.
Central to the fellowship is participation in monthly workshops and critiques of works-in-progress. In these meetings fellows have the opportunity to present their work to other fellows, CEMA affiliates and invited guests for feedback at critical junctures in the production of their work. With the exception of extraordinary circumstances, attendance at these meetings by CEMA fellows is expected.
The application portal is currently open, with a deadline for completed applications on March 23, 2025. All applicants will be notified in mid-April on the status of their application. The application portal will provide comprehensive details about the various requirements for your submission. You will be asked to provide a 2-3 page proposal, a Project Budget and Equipment Request, a Curriculum Vitae, and streaming links to your work. Click on the portal for a more in-depth understanding of each requirement and to apply to the Fellowship.
Contact CEMA with any questions by email at