Current Research Projects


Music Training and Child Development


What effects does systematic music training have on children throughout development? What mechanism underlies such effects? Our program aims to understand the effects of instrumental music training on children’s socioemotional, cognitive, and functional and structural brain development. To assess the effects of music training on child development, we study children prior to the start of music training and follow them thereafter using psychometric evaluations of socioemotional and cognitive functioning, EEG, and fMRI. We hope these investigations will lead to a better understanding of the effects of music training on child development, and provide insights into the role of music education in the childhood curricula.

Music Listening and Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment


How do different listening activities impact agitation and anxiety in older adults with cognitive impairment? This research study looks at the impact of music and audiobook listening on the management of agitation and anxiety associated with dementia and cognitive impairment in older adults between ages 65-85. Participants and their caregivers listen to either music or audiobooks via a tablet and headphones at home four times per week, each time 30 minutes long for a total of 8 weeks. We collect measures assessing emotional and cognitive wellbeing before and after each listening session, as well as before and after the 8 week listening period.

Past Research Projects


Music and Emotions