
Is the information on your public USC Dornsife directory profile up to date or could it use a refresh?

On this page you will learn how to manage your public presence on the USC Dornsife website. You will find instructions for updating the information on your directory profile including your scholarship, your expertise, your education, your portrait and more.

With our redesigned website, USC Dornsife faculty and staff directory profiles continue to be managed via MyDornsife.

View your profile here:

Faculty Directory

Staff Directory

Directory Profile Photo Requirements

Your USC Dornsife directory profile photo should be a vertical head-and-shoulders portrait.

Our new website design requires a larger image size for your profile. The recommended minimum upload size is a 975 x 1365 pixel (5×7 inch) jpeg or png file. If you need assistance with resizing your image file please email webproject@dornsife.usc.edu.

You may use an image that you have on file. On this page you will find options for taking your portrait on campus as well as tips for taking your own portrait.

Manage Your Directory Profile Photo

1. Log into MyDornsife.

2. On the right side of the screen, click on My Personal Information.

3. On the left side menu, click on Professional Information.

4. On the “Professional Information” page, hover/click on Biographical Information.

5. Click on My Photo.

6. The “Biographical Information” window opens and you can upload your photo.

If you are uploading a photo for the first time:

  • In the topmost section, “My Photo,” click on Add item.
  • Click on Choose file. Select the photo from your computer.
  • Your photo must be a JPG, 975 by 1365 px (5×7 inch) portrait orientation.
  • Click on Add.

If you are replacing a previously uploaded photo:

  • In the topmost section, “My Photo,” click on Replace.
  • Click on Choose file. Select the photo from your computer. Your photo must be a JPG, 975 by 1365 px (5×7 inch) portrait orientation.
  • Click on Update.

7. The window will update (approximately 5–10 seconds) and return you to the “Biographical Information” window. You can close this window now. Please note that the new photo can take up to 24 hours to show up in your profile on the website.

Manage Your Directory Profile Professional Information

USC Dornsife faculty and staff have individual profile pages listed in our faculty directory and staff directory. You can use a combination of myDornsife and Workday to update your information:

  • MyDornsife: Upload a photo, edit your bio, upload your CV, update your office location (differs from your work address), and make additional profile edits (publications, research areas, honors/awards)
  • Workday: Add your pronouns and update your work address/office phone

Step-by-step instructions for managing your profile information
(Shibboleth login required)


Take Your Professional Portrait on Campus

Sample portraits taken with the Iris Photo Booth.
Sample portraits taken with the Iris Photo Booth.

Take a professional-quality headshot at the USC Career Center. The Career Center has self-service Iris Photo Booth available for use by USC faculty, staff, students and alumni. The images are perfect for your USC Dornsife website directory profile.

The Iris Photo Booth uses studio-caliber lighting and photography tools. Take control of your images by approving or retaking photos, cropping pictures, and even applying filters. Present your best self in digital photos delivered instantly to your USC email.

You can stop by to use the photo booth at your convenience during their daily drop-in hours. If you’re making a trip to campus to use the photo booth we recommend checking ahead of time to make sure it’s not reserved for an event by calling the USC Career Center at (213) 740-9111.

Where: Student Union (STU) 110

When: Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on a walk-in basis


  • Go to the USC Career Center at STU 110 during drop-in hours
  • Check in at the front desk
  • Take up to 3 images in the photo booth
  • Your images will be emailed to your USC email in minutes
  • Upload your preferred image to your USC Dornsife directory profile via MyDornsife. Find instructions for updating your image in MyDornsife on this page and at this link.

Want to reserve a dedicated time for your department to use the photo booth? Email the USC Career Center at recruit@usc.edu.

Tips for Taking Your Own Portrait

Upload a high-res portrait that you already have on file. 

Take your own photo. Here are some best practices:

  1. Your profile photo should be a vertical head-and-shoulders portrait.
  2. To take your image, orient your camera or camera phone vertically. If possible, use a tripod, set the camera on a sturdy surface or have someone take the image for you.
  3. Take the photo in a well-lit setting with a neutral background
  4. The light source should be in front of you. Natural light works well as does a diffused light sources such as a soft lamp.
  5. When selecting clothing to wear in your photo, solid colors and simple patterns work best. Solid white or busy patterns do not photograph as well.
  6. The recommended minimum upload size is a 975 x 1365 pixel (5×7 inch) jpeg or png file. You may email webproject@dornsife.usc.edu if you need assistance resizing your image file.