Sadman Shanto – President
Shanto is a third year Physics PhD student working on superconducting circuits and resonant cavities for quantum computing. He is a GSG senator and the DGSA representative of GASP.
Antonis Margaritakis – Vice President
Antonis is a third year graduate student working in experimental biophysics. He joine GASP in his first year and assumed the position of Vice President in September 2022.
De Facto Leader of this group.
Orianna Kou – Treasurer
Orianna is a 2nd year Physical Biology PhD student currently working on experimental biophysics. She is in charge of handling GASP funding and managing the financial side of GASP hosted events.
Manny Dallas – Senior Opinion Provider
Manny is a third year graduate student working in Quantum Information Theory and joined GASP in his first year.
Vivek Maurya – Special Advisor to the Vice President
Vivek is a third year graduate student working in Quantum Computing. He joined GASP in his second year.