Pre-Writing and Self-Observation

In order to learn empathy, we will begin by completing self-observation activities. These tasks are not designed as reliable data research projects – there isn’t enough time to collect significant evidence – but rather as preliminary gestures of paying attention. In other words, I am asking you to pay attention to the way you passively engage with the world as a warm up to inviting you to actively engage with other people. Choose two of the following three options.  Write a one paragraph single spaced response to each option in which you reflect on the process and its effects.

Modify the Input: Violence.  Count the number of times in two days that you are exposed to violence in entertainment media.  Create a system, such as a labeled grid, to track and categorize your exposure.  After tracking violent messages and noticing when and how they are delivered to you, take action to edit them from your life for two days.  Every time you observe violence in entertainment, leave the room, change the channel, close your eyes, or turn off the show.

Modify the Input: Sex. Count the number of times in two days that you are exposed to sex or nudity in any form through entertainment media (count every body and every instance).  Create a system, such as a labeled grid, to track and categorize your exposure.  Then, take action to edit your exposure to these images for two days as outlined in the activity above.

Get Perspective: Gaps in Knowledge.  Choose a hot button or “loaded” issue about which you do not feel as informed as you would like.  Thoroughly explore at least three web resources representing different points of view on this topic.


In recent semesters, I revised this phase of the project to focus instead on Mood Monitoring, Emotional Intelligence, and Self-Awareness.  These elements are included in the revised version of The Empathy Project, for purchase here.