Stanley Rosen

- Ph.D. Political Science, University of California, Los Angeles, 8/1979
- M.A. International Relations, University of California – Los Angeles, 6/1966
- B.A. English/Pre-Med, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 6/1965
Other Employment
- International Academic Adviser, Beijing Normal University, China: Asian and Chinese Language Film Research Center, 09/01/2014 –
- Distinguished Researcher and Lecturer, Beijing Normal University, China: Chinese Culture and International Communication Research Institute, 06/05/2013 –
Summary Statement of Research Interests
Professor Rosen is a specialist on politics in the People’s Republic of China, Chinese film, and Chinese society
Contracts and Grants Awarded
- Taiwan Documentary Film, (Taiwan Ministry of Culture), Stanley Rosen, $25,000, 2014-2015
- UCLA/USC Joint East Asian Studies Center, (US Department of Education (submitted 2010)), Stanley Rosen, Bin Wong (UCLA), $2,609,148, 08/15/2010 – 08/14/2014
- USC/UCLA Joint East Asian Language And Area Studies Center And, (UCLA/U.S. Dept. of Education (submitted 2006)), Rosen, Stanley, Bin Wong (UCLA), $2,400,000, 08/15/2006 – 08/14/2010
- Freeman Foundation Undergraduate Asian Studies Initiative II, (Freeman Foundation (submitted successfully in 2007), Stanley Rosen, East Asian Studies Center, $400,000, 2008-2009
Conference Presentations
- Comparing Exceptionalisms and Dreams: The Relevance of the Chinese and American ‘Models’ for Post-80’s and Post-90’s Chinese Youth , Chinese Exceptionalism in Comparative PerspectiveTalk/Oral Presentation, Center for Chinese Studies, Invited, University of Nottingham, England, 2014-2015
- The Chinese Dream Confronts the American Dream in Popular Culture: China as Producer and Consumer of Films at Home and Abroad , China in a Changing WorldTalk/Oral Presentation, Center for the Study of Contemporary China, Invited, University of Pennsylvania, 2014-2015
- (Fall 2023) POSC 356. Politics in the People’s Republic of China, M, 02:00pm – 04:50pm, CPA101
- (Fall 2023) POSC 469. Critical Issues in Comparative Politics – Politics and Film in Comparative Perspective, T, 02:00pm – 04:50pm, THH208
- (Spring 2024) POSC 469. Critical Issues in Comparative Politics – The Concept of Soft Power in Political Science and Internati onal Relations, M, 02:00pm – 04:50pm, CPA200
- Rosen, Stanley, Kingsley Edney, and Ying Zhu (Ed.). (2020). Soft Power with Chinese Characteristics: China’s Campaign for Hearts and Minds. London and New York: Routledge.
- Ying Zhu and Stanley Rosen (Ed.). (2010). Art, Politics and Commerce in Chinese Cinema. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
- Gries, P., Rosen, S. (2010). Chinese Politics: State, Society and the Market. London and New York: Routledge.
- Rosen, S. (1986). S. Rosen. Policy Conflicts in Post-Mao China: A Documentary Survey with Analysis (co-edited).
- Rosen, S., Unger, J., Chan, A. (1985). On Socialist Democracy and the Chinese Legal System (co-edited). M.E. Sharpe.
- Rosen, S. (1982). S. Rosen. Red Guard Factionalism and the Cultural Revolution in Guangzhou.
Book Chapters
- Rosen, S. (2017). The Chinese Dream Confronts the American Dreamin Popular Culture: China as Producer and Consumer of Films at Home and Abroad. China’s Global Engagement pp. 359-388.
- Rosen, S. (2015). Can China Devise a Strategy to Promote Its Films Abroad? Obstacles and Suggestions. Cinese Film after 110 Years (in Chinese) pp. 259-279. Beijing: China Film Press.
- Rosen, S. (2015). “Conclusion”. Conflict and Cooperation in US.-China Relations pp. 248-269. London and New York: Routledge.
- Rosen, S. (2012). “Hollywood, China and Sino-U.S. Film Markets” (in Chinese). Chinese Language Cinema pp. 121-124. Beijing: Peking (Beijing) University Press.
Journal Article
- Rosen, S. (2015). Hollywood in China: Selling Our or Cashing In?. The Diplomat.
- Rosen, S. (2012). “Ironies of Soft Power Projection: The United States and China. Limes. Vol. 20 (6), pp. 4.
- Rosen, S. (2011). “The Use of Film for Public Diplomacy: Why Hollywood Makes a Stronger Case for China”. PDiN Monitor. Vol. 2 (5 (May-June)), pp. 6 pages.
- Rosen, S. (2009). “Contemporary Chinese Youth and the State”. Journal of Asian Studies. Vol. 68 (2), pp. 359-369.
Magazine/Trade Publication
- Rosen, S.Lessons from China’s Unexpected Year in Film. Huffington World Post.
- Rosen, S.Too Many Enemies: The Dangerous Double Game of China’s Wang Jianlin. Nikkei Asian Review. pp. 28-29.
- Rosen, S., Chu, D. (1987). S. Rosen. Survey Research in the People’s Republic of China (co-authored).
- Rosen, S. (1981). S. Rosen. The Role of Sent-Down Youth in the Chinese Cultural Revolution.
- USC or School/Dept Award for Teaching, Political Science Award for Outstanding Classroom Teaching and Dedication to Students, 1998 – 1999
Office Hours
- Tuesday and Thursday : 1-2 and 4:15-5:15, These are my office hours every year. The 4:15-5:15 was only on Tuesdays
Administrative Appointments
- Faculty Master, University Residential College at Birnkrant (appointed by the Provost to be Faculty Master at the first “honors” residence hall at USC), 08/16/2011 –
- Director, East Asian Studies Center, 08/16/2005 – 08/16/2011
- Faculty Master, New Residential College, 08/20/1997 – 08/16/2011
Administative Appointment
- Member of the Advisory Board, Pacific Basin Institute, Pomona College, 2009-2010
- Member of the International Advisory Board, Center for Media Policy Studies, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China, 2009-2010
- Member of the International Advisory Board, Institute for the Arts and Humanities, Zhongshan University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2009-2010
Editorships and Editorial Boards
- Co-editor of Journal, Chinese Education and Society, 2008-2009
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Contemporary China, 2008-2009
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