Max Strassfeld

Associate Professor of Religion
Max Strassfeld
Pronouns They / Them / Theirs Email


Max Strassfeld is an Associate Professor of Religious Studies. Their research focuses on rabbinic literature, transgender studies, and Jewish studies. They hold a Ph.D. in Religious Studies from Stanford University. Strassfeld’s book, Trans Talmud: Androgynes and Eunuchs in Rabbinic Literature, was published in 2022 by the University of California Press. The book was a finalist for the National Jewish Book Award and won the American Academy of Religion’s award for excellence in the category of textual studies. In this groundbreaking work, Strassfeld explores eunuchs and androgynes in Jewish law, drawing connections between classical Jewish texts and trans studies. They have received several prestigious fellowships, including the Frankel Fellowship and the Berlin Prize. They are the associate editor of the journal QTR: A Journal of Trans and Queer Religion. 


  • Ph.D. Stanford University, 2013
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