Lorena Gallego
Lorena Gallego joined USC in 2006. She has focused her teaching on Spanish Language and Literature, Spanish for native speakers, and conversational Spanish where film and cinematography are given a focal point. She is the director of the LAIC’s International Film Screenings (previously known as the Department of Spanish & Portuguese Cineclub). Gallego’s areas of interest outside linguistics and cinematography include 19th-century Anglo-Peninsular comparative literature, Gothic Studies, and medical humanities.
- M.A. Spanish (Literature), Arizona State University, 12/2003
- B.A. History, Arizona State University, 12/1999
- B.A. Spanish, Arizona State University, 12/1999
Summary Statement of Research Interests
My research interests include Spanish instruction and methodology aimed to heritage speakers. In addition to this, I am working on a doctoral dissertation through Oxford University, in which I examine the representation of nineteenth-century medicine in a selection of Gothic-oriented texts, focusing specifically on the synergies between Peninsular and English representations of phobias and other psychosomatic conditions
Research Keywords
Heritage speakers, comparative literature (English and Spanish), 19th century, Gothic, Medical Humanities
- Graduate with Honors, 12/1999 –
- Summa Cum Laude, 12/1999 –
- Recipient of the Hispanic Merit Scholarship, 12/1996 – 12/1999