Kenneth Phillips

Pronouns He / Him / His
Center, Institute & Lab Affiliations
- USC Sidney Harman Institute for Polymathic Study / Ahmanson Collaboratory, Leavy Library, Professor, Distant Destinations Collaboratory
- The Space Shuttle and Our Place in the Universe, Dornsife College Freshman Seminar, Fall 2016
- Multimedia Interactive Exhibit, This two-semester class, funded through the Sidney Harman Academy for Polymathic Study, was a collaboration between USC students and the California Science Center. Entitled Distant Destinations, this Collaboratory developed a five-player, interactive game around multiple scientific disciplines involving the human exploration of space. , 2019-2020
- Distant Destinations Project: Sidney Harman Institute for Polymathic Study / Ahmanson Collaboratory, 2019-2020
- Member, Physics and Astronomy Climate Committee, 2021-2022
Other Service to the University
- Physics and Astronomy faculty search committee for tenure track position in the astrophysics group. (Served as a non-voting member in support of the committee chair), Spring 2021
Media, Alumni, and Community Relations
- USC/Prison Education Project (PEP): Santa Fe Springs Women’s Correctional Facility, Custody to Community Transitional Reentry Program (CCTRP), 2020-2021
USC Dornsife faculty and staff may update profiles via MyDornsife.