Juan Carrillo

Professor of Economics
Juan Carrillo
Email juandc@email.usc.edu Office KAP 330B Office Phone (213) 740-3526

Research & Practice Areas

Neuroeconomic Theory;

Behavioral Economics;

Theory of Organizations;

Industrial Organization;

Experimental Economics.

Center, Institute & Lab Affiliations

  • Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), UK, London, Research Fellow (Industrial Organization and Public Policy Programmes)
  • Theoretical REsearch in Neuroeconomic Decision making (TREND), Co-Director


  • Ph.D. Economics, University of Toulouse, 6/1996
  • M.A. Statistics, Harvard University, 6/1993
  • B.A. Economics (focus on Quantitative Methods), University Complutense, Madrid, Spain, 6/1992
  • Tenure Track Appointments

    • Associate Professor, Columbia Business School, 07/01/2001 – 06/30/2003
    • Associate Professor, ECARES, Free University of Brussels, 07/01/2000 – 06/30/2001
    • Assistant Professor, ECARES, Free University of Brussels, 07/01/1996 – 06/30/2000
  • Research Keywords

    Neuroeconomics, Behavioral Economics, Industrial Organization

    Research Specialties

    Neuroeconomic Theory;

    Behavioral Economics;

    Theory of Organizations;

    Industrial Organization;

    Experimental Economics.

  • Book

    • Carrillo, J. D., Brocas, I. (2004). The Psychology of Economic Decisions. Vol.2: Reasons and Choices. Oxford: The Psychology of Economic Decisions. Vol.2: Reasons and Choices (joint with I. Brocas)/Oxford University Press.
    • Brocas, I., Carrillo, J. D. (2003). The Psychology of Economic Decisions. Vol.1: Rationality and Well-being. Oxford: The Psychology of Economic Decisions. Vol.1: Rationality and Well-being (joint with I. Brocas)/Oxford University Press.

    Journal Article

    • Brocas, I., Carrillo, J. D. (2008). The Brain as a Hierarchical Organization. American Economic Review.
    • Carrillo, J. D., Castanheira, M. (2008). Information and Strategic Political Polarisation. Economic Journal.
    • Carrillo, J. D., Palfrey, T. (2008). The Compromise Game: Two-Sided Adverse Selection in the Laboratory. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics.
    • Brocas, I., Carrillo, J. D. (2007). Influence Through Ignorance. RAND Journal of Economics..
    • Carrillo, J. D., Mariotti, T. (2000). Strategic Ignorance as a Self-Disciplining Device. Review of Economic Studies/Blackwell.
    • Carrillo, J. D. (1998). Coordination and Externalities. Journal of Economic Theory / Elsevier.
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