Eric Roth

Research & Practice Areas
informational interviews, proverbs and hedging language, global English, academic English, second language writing, adult education ESL, citizenship, conversation patterns, effective error correction, workplace English, speaking skills for English language learners, standardized language exams in a global era, hybrid courses, global education, online English language training, Youtube in the classroom, teaching with TED talks, autotelic education,
Eric H. Roth teaches international graduate students the pleasures of academic writing and public speaking in English at the University of Southern California. He has taught numerous English and writing courses in the American Language Institute (ALI), including piloting three ALI courses.
Roth attended Wabash College on a Lilly Scholarship that covered all expenses, majored in Philosophy, and received his BA. Roth later received his MA in Media Studies from The New School (for Social Research) in New York City. During his gap year, he reported on Brooklyn’s criminal justice system for The Phoenix newspaper. Roth became a District Representative for Congressman Stephen J. Solarz (D-NY), wrote over 150 press releases, and spoke at many public hearings.
After moving to Los Angeles, Roth covered politics for the weekly publication The Village View and wrote book reviews for two years. In 1993, Roth also began teaching adult ESL part-time in the Santa Monica-Malibu School District. Roth, a former journalist and Congressional aide, directed the CES Adult Education Center from 1996-1999, assisting over 1,000 immigrants and refugees in becoming naturalized U.S. citizens. During the following decade, Roth taught various writing and ESL courses at Santa Monica Community College, UCLA Extension, and Cal State, Long Beach, and the Santa Monica-Malibu Adult Education Center.
In 2003, Roth joined the USC Engineering Writing Program and American Lanugage Institute (ALI) as an adjunct faculty member. He has taught non-fiction writing courses in Spain, France, and Vietnam. In 2007, Roth became a full time faculty member with the ALI. In 2013, USC promoted Roth to master lecturer in the ALI department.
Roth belongs to TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages), CATESOL (California Association of Teachers of Speakers of Other Languages), IPP (International Professors Project) and TAA (Textbook and Academic Authors Association). Roth has led many workshops on teaching techniques, including the 2019 TESOL presentation on hedging and boasting language, 2015 CATESOL Inland Empire Spring Workshop and 2013 (via Skype) for Technology in ELT: Challenges and Remedies conference in India. He has also given numerous presentations at international conferences for English teachers (TESOL 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011), State CATESOL conferences, and Southern California Regional CATESOL conferences. In 2012, Roth presented “Promoting Understanding Across Cultures in the EFL Classroom through CALL”, and compared teaching hybrid courses in the United States and Vietnam. In 2016, he participated on a TESOL panel of ELT authors, editors, and publishers on the chasm between academic research, textbook materials, and student needs. At a 2018 international TESOL conference, Roth spoke on a panel on “Good Mistakes in Creating Intercultural Materials for English Language Learners in Japan and in Vietnam”. He spoke at the Virtual ELT Summit 2020, sponsored by the International Society for Educational Leadership and the English Language Teachers’ Association of India, on communicative practices for English teachers on Zoom. Roth gave the plenary speech at a 2023 Defense Language Institute English Language Center Professional Development Day conference titled “Chalkboards to Chatbots: Exploring Edtech Tools for English Teachers and Sharing Some Emerging Best Practices.”
Roth co-authored an ESL textbook, Compelling Conversations: Questions and Quotations on Timeless Topics in 2007, and a sequel Compelling American Conversations: Questions and Quotations for Intermediate American English Language Learners in 2012. Roth also coauthored Compelling Conversations – Japan: Questions and Quotations for High Intermediate Japanese English Language Learners (2015) and Compelling Conversations – Vietnam: Speaking Exercises for Vietnamese Learners of English (2016). Roth also co-authored Creating Compelling Conversations: Reproducible Search and Share Activities for English Teachers (2019). He has contributed a monthly column on instant conversation activities to the adult education publication “Easy English Times” for over a dozen years, and has advised the USC Conversation Partners Program since 2009.
In the fall of 2011, Roth won two teaching with technology grants from the USC Center for Scholarly Technology. His research interests include informational interviews, discourse analysis, conversation patterns, Global English, persuasion methods, teaching English with technology, and effective error correction in second language speakers and writers. Roth served on the Fulbright National Selection Committee for English Teaching Assistants (Southeast Asia) in 2015, 2016, and 2017. An avid global traveler, he looks forward to continually learning more about our ever-changing world and expanding his collection of antiquarian books and vintage postcards.
- M.A. Media Studies, New School University, 5/1988
- B.A. Philosophy, Wabash College, 5/1984
Tenure Track Appointments
- Teacher, Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District, Adult Education Center, 09/1993 – 12/2000
- ESL Teacher, Jefferson Adult School, 1993-1994
- English Teacher, Locke High School, LAUSD, Spring 1994
- English/History Teacher , Bed-Stuy Outreach High School, NYC Board of Education, 10/1985 – 06/1987
Research, Teaching, Practice, and Clinical Appointments
- Lecturer, University of Southern California, 2003-08-
- Instructor, Part-time, Santa Monica Community College, 2000-02-2003-05
Visiting and Temporary Appointments
- Acting Director, Academic and Practical English Program, APU International School, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam , 05/2009 – 07/2009
- lecturer, Extension American Language Center summer program , University of California, Los Angeles, 07/2007 – 08/2007
- lecturer, Extension American Language Center summer program , University of California, Los Angeles, 07/2006 – 08/2006
- Instructor, Part-time, Cal State Uni., Long Beach American Language Institute, 06/2005 – 08/2005
- Instructor, Cal State Uni., Long Beach American Language Institute, 06/2004 – 08/2004
- lecturer, Extension American Language Center summer program , University of California, Los Angeles, 07/2003 – 08/2003
- lecturer, Extension American Language Center summer program , University of California, Los Angeles, 07/2002 – 08/2002
- lecturer, Extension American Language Center summer program , University of California, Los Angeles, 07/2001 – 08/2001
- lecturer, Extension American Language Center summer program , University of California, Los Angeles, 07/2000 – 08/2000
- lecturer, Extension American Language Center summer program , University of California, Los Angeles, 07/1999 – 08/1999
- lecturer, Extension American Language Center summer program , University of California, Los Angeles, 07/1998 – 08/1998
Other Employment
- freelance reporter, The Jewish Journal, 08/1998 – 06/2000
- Director, Community Enhancement Services Adult Education Center, 01/1996 – 10/1999
- Book reviewer, Social Studies School Services, 01/1995 – 12/1995
- Congressional aide, district representative, U.S. House of Representatives, 06/1994 – 01/1995
- freelance reporter and book reviewer, The Village View, 01/1990 – 12/1994
- Guest lecturer, Politics and Media class, New School University, Fall 1988
- Congressional aide, district press secretary, U.S. House of Representatives, 02/1987 – 12/1989
- Political Reporter, The Phoenix Newspaper, 07/1984 – 09/1985
Summary Statement of Research Interests
Professor Roth’s research interests include informational interviews, hybrid English courses, online English language training, discourse analysis, the emergence of global English and English as an international language, effective techniques of error correction in non-native writers and speakers of English, teaching English with technology, and the evolving language needs of American adult immigrants. Additional research areas include conversation strategies, TED talks and autotelic education systems, global education, concepts of citizenship, standardized language exams in a global era, political rhetoric in American campaigns, WWII propaganda posters, and the framing of public policy debates. Finally, Roth hopes new media technologies will transcend the limits of traditional communication patterns and create more democratic, informed, and transparent societies.
Research Keywords
informational interviews, Global English, Globish, online English language training, discourse analysis, conversation patterns, error correction, TESOL, employment strategies, workplace English, WWII propaganda posters, political communication, adult education, citizenship, academic English, quotations, proverbs, global education, social media and language learning, online college courses,
Research Specialties
informational interviews, proverbs and hedging language, global English, academic English, second language writing, adult education ESL, citizenship, conversation patterns, effective error correction, workplace English, speaking skills for English language learners, standardized language exams in a global era, hybrid courses, global education, online English language training, Youtube in the classroom, teaching with TED talks, autotelic education,
USC Funding
- Learning Environment Incentative Grant. Informational Interviews : ALI 254 students conduct informational interviews, and give a 5-8 minute PPT presentation. Peer feedback instantly provided; recorded videos posted on Blackboard for self and instructor evaluation. , $500, Fall 2011
- Course Continuity in Crisis. Teaching Presentation Skills with TED Talks: TED talks present global experts speaking to non-specialist audiences – off campus – on computers. ALI 254 students select, analyze, recommend, and exchange ideas while preparing term definitions., $5000, Fall 2011
Conference Presentations
- Becoming Who You Are: Using Biostatements to Deepen Resilience , CATESOL State Conference 2020Talk/Oral Presentation, CATESOL , Online – from California, 2020-2021
- Connecting the Dots: Teaching Students to Describe Infographics , CATESOL State Conference 2020Talk/Oral Presentation, CATESOL , Online – from California, 2020-2021
- Creating Compelling Conversations: Deploying Search and Share Activities on Zoom , Virtual ELT Summit 2020Talk/Oral Presentation, English Language Teachers Association of India, P , Invited, Online – Organized from Gujarat, India, 2019-2020
- Reviewing the Situation: Hedging and Boosting in Academic Writing , TESOL 2019Talk/Oral Presentation, TESOL 2019, Atlanta, Georgia , 2018-2019
- The Perils, Pleasures, and Possibilities of Writing ESL Materials , Orange County CATESOL Spring WorkshopTalk/Oral Presentation, Orange County CATESOL chapter, Invited, Anaheim, California, 2018-2019
- Intercultural Insights in Creating and Implementing EFL Content , TESOL 2018Talk/Oral Presentation, Intercultural Section & Material Writers , Invited, Chicago, Illinois , 2017-2018
- Oral Language Solutions for Vietnamese English Language Learners , CATESOL (State)Talk/Oral Presentation, CATESOL, San Diego, CA, 2016-2017
- What’s the Connection? Textbook Choices, Academic Theories, and Classroom Concerns , TESOLRoundtable/Panel, TESOL Material Writers Intersection , Invited, Seattle, Washington, 2016-2017
- Are English Classroom Teachers and ESOL Publishers on the Same Page?: MWIS Survey Results, USC Interviews, and ESOL Teachers as Niche Material Writers , TESOLRoundtable/Panel, TESOL Material Writers Intersection , Invited, Baltimore, Maryland, 2015-2016
- CATESOL Chat: The First Ever Live CATESOL Twitter Chat , CATESOL (state)Talk/Oral Presentation, CATESOL, Anaheim, CA, 2015-2016
- Helping Students Find Their Voice in English: Speaking Exercises to Improve Fluency and Clarity , CATESOL (state) Talk/Oral Presentation, Chimayo Press, Invited, Anaheim, CA, 2015-2016
- Crossing Into New Materials Writing Terrority , TESOL 2015Roundtable/Panel, TESOL Material Writers Intersection , Invited, Toronto, Canada, 2014-2015
- From Student to Employee: Overcoming Job Search Challenges , CATESOL (State)Talk/Oral Presentation, CATESOL, Santa Clara, California, 2014-2015
- Specialized Job Search Courses Fill a Vital Niche for University ELLs , TESOL 2015Talk/Oral Presentation, TESOL, Toronto, Canada, 2014-2015
- An Open Secret: ESOL Students Need Informational Interviews , CATESOL (State)Talk/Oral Presentation, CATESOL, Stockton, California, 2013-2014
- Flip Your Classroom: Deploy ‘Search and Share’ Homework Activities to Build ELL Fluency , Technology in ELT: Challenges and RemediesLecture/Seminar, Charotar University of Science and Technology, Invited, Gujarat, India (via Skype) , 2013-2014
- Hedging Language: An Essential ESOL Skill for Sustained Academic Success , CATESOL (LA Regional)Talk/Oral Presentation, CATESOL, Cal State Northridge , 2013-2014
- Passion and Persistence: Independent ESOL Authors Tell Their Stories , TESOL 2014Roundtable/Panel, TESOL, Portland, Oregon, 2013-2014
- Flip Your Classroom with Search and Share Fluency Activities , 2013 LA Regional CATESOL ConferenceTalk/Oral Presentation, CATESOL , University of Southern California , 2012-2013
- Informational Interviews Help ESOL Students Succeed and Connect to Jobs , 2013 LA Regional CATESOL ConferenceTalk/Oral Presentation, CATESOL , University of Southern California, 2012-2013
- Views, Reviews, and Interviews: Deploying TED Talks, This I Believe, and Mock Job Interviews in Class, Online, and Across Borders , 2012 TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) Roundtable/Panel, TESOL Intercultural and CALL Sections , Invited, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania , 2011-2012
- Informational Interviews: Practical Glimpses into Possible Tomorrows for ESL Students , L.A. Regional CATESOL 2010Talk/Oral Presentation, CATESOL, Invited, California State University, Fullerton, 2010-2011
- Informational Interviews: A Practical, Illuminating Speaking Assignment , CATESOL State ConferenceTalk/Oral Presentation, CATESOL, Invited, Santa Clara, California, 2009-2010
- Informational Interviews: Adding a Best Practice to More ESL Programs , INTESOL State ConferenceTalk/Oral Presentation, INTESOL, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis, 2009-2010
- Panel Discussion: Finding ESL Positions Abroad , INTESOLRoundtable/Panel, INTESOL, Invited, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis (IUPUI), 2009-2010
- Panel: Experiences on Self-Published ESL Authors , CATESOL State ConferenceRoundtable/Panel, CATESOL, Invited, Santa Clara, California, 2009-2010
- Making Workplace English Programs Work for Students and Employers , CATESOL, Los Angeles Regional Talk/Oral Presentation, CATESOL, Biola University, 2008-2009
- Techniques for a More Democratic Classroom: Creating Autotelic English Language Learners , CATESOL State ConferenceTalk/Oral Presentation, CATESOL, Pasadena Convention Center, 2008-2009
- Techniques for Creating a More Democratic Classroom , CATESOL, Los Angeles Regional Talk/Oral Presentation, CATESOL, Biola University, 2008-2009
- Creating Compelling Classroom Conversations , CATESOL, Los Angeles Regional Talk/Oral Presentation, CATESOL, Cal State University, Long Beach, 2007-2008
- Compelling Conversations: Motivating ESL Students to Speak More , CATESOL, Los Angeles RegionalTalk/Oral Presentation, CATESOL, Invited, USC, 2005-2006
Other Presentations
- Language and Culture in Intercultural Communication, MS Business Analytics – Marshall School Orientation, Los Angeles, California , 2018-2019
- Biostatements Matter: Crafting a Professional Document that Tells Your Story of Achievement, Career Workshop for International Students and Scholars , University of Southern California, 2016-2017
- Don’t be Misunderstood: How to Master Email Etiquette , Career Workshop for International Students and Scholars , University of Southern California, 2016-2017
- Helping Students Find their Voice in English: Speaking Exercises to Improve Fluency and Clarity, CATESOL Inland Empire Spring Workshop , California Baptist University, 2014-2015
- YouTube: A Workhorse in ALI 254, Spring 2013 Faculty Forum Series: Creative Classroom Strategies: Tools from Language Instruction, University of Southern California , 2012-2013
- Creating Compelling Classroom Conversations, Teacher Trainer, Burbank, CA, 2010-2011
- Creating Autotelic Learners in English Classrooms, English Teacher Training, Ho Chi Minh City, 2008-2009
- Nguyen, T. X., Roth, E. H. (2016). Compelling Conversations – Vietnam: Speaking Exercises for Vietnamese Learners of English. (Vol. 5, (Toni Aberson, Ed.). Los Angeles, California: Chimayo Press. Compelling Conversations – Vietnam
- Roth, E. H., Ichinomiya, S., Warner, B. (2015). Compelling Conversations – Japan: Questions and Quotations for High-Intermediate Japanese English Language Learners. (Vol. 4, (Toni Aberson Laurie Selik, Ed.). Los Angeles, California: Chimayo Press. Compelling Conversations Japan
- Roth, E. H., Aberson, T., Bogotch, H. (2012). Compelling American Conversations: Questions and Quotations for Intermediate American English Language Learners. (Toni Aberson, Ed.). Los Angeles, California: Chimayo Press. Amazon
Roth, E. H., Aberson, T. W. (2007). Compelling Conversations: Questions and Quotations on Timeless Topics. (Laurie Selik, Ed.). Los Angeles, California: Chimayo Press. Amazon: Compelling Conversations
Book Review
- Roth, E. H. (2010). Aera English. Aera English/ THE ASAHI SHIMBUN SHA. pp. 1. Amazon Japan Aera Magazine
Regular Column in Journal or Newspaper
- Roth, E. H., Aberson, T. W. (2008). Easy English Times. Easy English Times. Vol. 13 (8), pp. p.5. PubMed Web Address
- English Skills and Strategies for the Job Search, American Language Institute, 2014-2015
- ALI 245- Online – High Intermediate Writing Skills, American Language Institute (online), 2013-2014
- Added Search Online and Share In Class Exercises, 2011-2012
- Added online mock job interviews, Fall 2011
- Added online student reviews of TED talks, Fall 2011
- Added “universal” peer reviews in ALI 254, 2010-2011
- Added product reviews to writing and speaking courses, 2010-2011
- Added student reviews of pronunciation/stress patterns videos in ALI 254, 2009-2010
- Added student reviews of video presentations to ALI 254, 2009-2010
- Added Informational Interviews to ALI 254 courses., Fall 2009
Office Hours
- M-W : 10:30-11:45 AM, And by appointment
- TuTh : 10:30-11:45 AM, And by appointment.
- MW : 10:30-11:45, And by appointment.
- TuTh : 12:15-1:45, And by appointment.
Other Advisement or Time Devoted to Students
- As in several prior years, I have served as the faculty adviser of the ALI Conversation Group program. In coordination with the ALI office manager, native-English speakers have been recruited and trained to help international ALI students improve their conversation skills in small groups. , 2012-2013
Review Panels
- Fulbright Program Advisors – USC Fulbright Selection Committee, English Language Teaching Assistant, 08/2012 –
- Fulbright U.S. Student Program, National Selection Committee, English Teaching Assistantship, Southeast Asia, 2017-2018
- Fulbright U.S. Student Program, National Selection Comittee, ETA Southeast Asia, 2016-2017
- Fulbright U.S. Student Program, National Selection Committee, ETA Southeast Asia, 2015-2016
- USC American Language Institute, Faculty Performance Review, 2014-2015
- USC American Language Institute, Faculty Promotion Committee, 2013-2014
- Fulbright Program Advisors -USC Fulbright Selection Committee, English Language Teaching Assistantship, Fall 2013
- Center for Scholarly Technology, Learning Environment Grants, Fall 2012
- Fulbright Program Advisers – USC Campus Evaluation Committee, English Language Teaching Assistantship, Fall 2012
Media, Alumni, and Community Relations
- helped organize and handled publicity and marketing for the Los Angeles Regional 2013 CATESOL at USC. This one day event brought over 500 English teachers and future English teachers to campus. Attendance exceeded the previous regional conference by at least 150 participants due to successful social media marketing campaign., 2012-2013
Other Service to the University
- Advised the ALI Conversation Group program and helped train conversation group leaders. , 08/2009 –
- Co-piloted a new course, ALI 280: English Skills and Strategies for the Job Search (2 units).
This course prepares international students for entrance into and success in the professional world. Students will learn how to create effective cover letters and resumes, create and maximize a professional online accounts, develop effective interviewing skills, and information interviews. International students develop the skills and language to compete for desirable professional positions. The course emphasizes the importance of clear career goals, practical phrases, and soft skills during the job search.
, 2014-2015 - Created, designed, and taught the first ALI writing course online (ALI 245) to off campus, USC students. Also actively participated in the planning and marketing of future ALI online courses. , 2013-2014
- helped revise and update ALI writing courses, focusing on expansion of hybrid course materials. Also played an active role in the ALI Applied Research Team on Writing and Oral Skills. , 2013-2014
- Creating and designing an advanced oral skills course (ALI 254) for future online launch in summer 2014. , 2013-2014
- Actively participated in the ALI Applied Research Team on Writing and Oral Skills. , 2011-2012
- Helped refine and strengthen ALI placement exam questions and rubric. , 2011-2012
- Co-Chair, Served on the Fulbright Campus Evaluation Committee for English Teaching positions. I interviewed applicants, suggested ways to strengthen applications, and later evaluated the applications., 2013-2014
- Member, Served on the Fulbright Campus Evaluation Committee for English Teaching positions. I interviewed applicants, suggested ways to strengthen applications, and later evaluated the applications., Fall 2012
Conferences Organized
- Co-chair – Publicity, LA Regional CATESOL Conference, University of Southern California, 2012-2013
Professional Offices
- Co-Chair – Publicity , 2013 Los Angeles Regional CATESOL Conference , Fall 2013
Professional Memberships
- Textbook and Academic Authors Association, 10/2016 –
- International Professors Project, 03/2009 –
- TESOL, 01/2004 –
- National Association of Scholars (NAS), 10/2003 –
- Independent Writers of Southern California, 1999 –
- CATESOL, 09/1993 –
- CUE – Computer Using Educators, 06/2012 – 05/2016
- ISTE – International Society for Technology in Education, 06/2012 – 05/2016
- International Communication Association (ICA), 11/2006 – 11/2015
- Education Writers Association, 1998 – 2001
- Los Angeles Press Club, 1998 – 2001
- Comprehensive Assessment of Adult Students (CASAS), 1996 – 2000
Review Panels
- TESOL, TESOL 2014 International Convention – Higher Education proposal reviewer, 2013-2014
Reviewer for Publications
- MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT) , MERLOT , Reviewer for submitted manuscripts focusing on teaching English language learners online. So far, only two manuscripts have been submitted (and both were rejected) as of October 2013., 2013-2014
Other Service to the Profession
- Film Selection Committe – CinePeace Film Festival.
I helped select an evening of short films and documentaries for the third Cine-Peace festival. This film event showcases diverse perspectives on the struggles and successes, dreams and realities of the Israeli-Arab conflict and the still elusive search for peace and mutual security. Los Angeles. Summer 2008. Ari Sandel, USC film school graduate and Academy Award winner, received an award for his promotion of peace through film. , 2008-2009