Elisa Baek

Pronouns She / Her / Hers
Email elisa.baek@usc.edu
- Ph.D. Communication, University of Pennsylvania, 2019
- M.A. University of Pennsylvania, 2016
- B.A. University of Pennsylvania, 2012
- Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Los Angeles, 07/2019 – 12/2022
Summary Statement of Research Interests
Dr. Baek studies various facets of social connection, such as what helps people feel connected to others, what distinguishes people who are great at connecting with others, and the factors that contribute to social disconnection. Some of her prior and ongoing work investigates the associations between subjective and objective social (dis)connection and neural responses, the neural and psychological drivers of information sharing, and the neural correlates of social influence. Dr. Baek is also interested in persuasion and message effects, particularly in the health domain, such as what makes messages more persuasive and effective.
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