Christopher Gould

Research & Practice Areas
Ultralow temperature experimental physics
- M.S. Physics, Cornell University, 1/1979
- Ph.D. Physics, Cornell University, 1/1979
- B.S. Physics, Stanford University, 6/1973
Tenure Track Appointments
- Professor, University of Southern California, 1993 –
- Associate Professor, University of Southern California, 1986 – 1993
- Assistant Professor, University of Southern California, 1981 – 1986
Summary Statement of Research Interests
Professor Gould’s research interests center around the work of his lab, the Ultralow Temperature Physics group, which he co-leads with Hans Bozler. It is one of only a few laboratories in the world capable of examining the properties of matter at temperatures less than one one-thousandth of a degree above absolute zero.
The most significant research area for the group has been a long-term program of study of the superfluid phases of liquid 3He, including precision thermodynamic, dynamic magnetic, and hydrodynamic studies. In addition to this the ULT group is studying the strong magnetism induced in normally weakly magnetic 3He when placed next to walls, and issues regarding electron transport in metallic systems at ultralow temperatures. The group has a long history of developing ultralow temperature measurement techniques, and is presently developing instruments based upon single electron transistors and superconducting quantum interference devices.
Research Keywords
ultralow temperature physics, superfluid 3He, liquid 3He, precision thermodynamic measurements, hydrodynamics
Research Specialties
Ultralow temperature experimental physics
- California Museum of Science and Industry Commendation, 1993 –
- California Museum of Science and Industry Commendation, 1991 –
- USC Mortar Board Teaching Award, 1987 –
- Sloan Research Fellowship Recipient, 1983 –
Administrative Appointments
- Director of Undergraduate Studies, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, 2012 –
- Member, Committee on Information Services (Joint Provost/ Senate Committee), 2016-2017
- Chair, Lars Onsager Prize of the American Physical Society, 2006 – 2008
- Member, Lars Onsager Prize of the American Physical Society, 2005 – 2007
- Member, National Committee of the Twenty-Third International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT23) held in Orlando, Florida, August 2005., 2003 – 2005
Professional Offices
- President, California Science and Engineering Fair Foundation, 2023 –
- Director of Student Affairs, California Science and Engineering Fair, 2019 –
- Member, Judging Advisory Committee, Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), 2020 – 2024
- Chair of Judging, Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), 2023-2024
- Chair of Judging, Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), 2019-2020
- Member, Judging Advisory Committee, Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, 2010 – 2019
- Director of Student Affairs, California State Science Fair, 1993 – 2018
- Chair, Judging, Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, 2016 – 2017
- Chair, Judging, Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, 2013-2014
- Chair, Judging, Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, 2010-2011
- Chair, California State Science Fair, 1992-1993
- Chair, California State Science Fair, 1991-1992
Professional Memberships
- American Physical Society, 1973 –
Review Panels
- National Research Council, Research Associateship Program, 2010 –
Reviewer for Publications
- American Journal of Physics, American Association of Physics Teachers, The leading journal of physics education at the graduate and undergraduate level, 2006 –
- Physical Review, American Physical Society, One of the leading physics research journals, 1978 –
- Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society, One of the leading physics research journals, 1978 –
Other Service to the Profession
- Member, Advisory Committee, “Absolute Zero and the Conquest of Cold,” a PBS miniseries originally broadcast on Nova in January 2008., 2005 – 2008
- California Department of Education, Content Review Panelist for the 2006 Science Primary Adoption, 2005 – 2007