Alexander Sahakian

Alexander Sahakian


  • M.S. Physics, University of Southern California, 2023
  • Ph.D. Mathematics, University of Southern California, 2023
  • M.A. Applied mathematics, University of Southern California, 2019
  • M.A. Mathematics, University of Southern California, 2018
  • B.S. Mathematics, University of Southern California, 2018
  • Summary Statement of Research Interests

    I’m interested in differential geometry, string theory, and mathematical physics. My math research focuses on symplectic and noncommutative geometry, Floer theory, and Calabi-Yau categories, with an emphasis on applications to open-string mirror symmetry. My physics research focuses on superstring theory, M-theory, higher gauge theory, and supergravity.

    Research Keywords

    noncommutative geometry; mathematical physics; symplectic geometry; Calabi-Yau categories; Fukaya categories; higher gauge theory; string theory

  • Other

    • Sahakian, A. A. (2023). Cornered Calabi-Yau categories in open-string mirror symmetry. URL
    • Sahakian, A. A. (2018). Applications of contact geometry to first-order PDEs on manifolds. URL
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