Pre-Dent Course Program

USC’s Postbacc Program also offers a pre-dental track. Highly qualified students can enter in the Summer and go on to complete all required dental school prerequisites and sit for the DAT exam in May of the following year. Note that pre-dental course requirements vary from school to school, and we will help you develop a course plan that meets your specific dental school objectives.

Pre-PA Course Program

USC’s Postbacc Program also offers a pre-physician-assistant (pre-PA) track. Most PA programs require specific biology, chemistry and other science classes, but these requirements vary across different programs. Many PA schools require the GRE test, but others do not. The following is a typical course program for pre-PA students. Note that pre-PA course requirements vary from school to school, and we will help you develop a course plan that meets your specific PA school objectives.


US veterinarian schools have the same prerequisites as medical schools, and they require / recommend applicants sit for the GRE or MCAT exam. The core courses for our pre-vet track are the same as our premed program. Pre-vet course requirements vary from school to school.
Pre-vet course requirements