June 2024

Carolyn, Shihui Dylan, and Maria attend the Metabolism, Aging, Pathogenesis, Stress, and Small RNA (MAPSS) meeting in Madison, WI. Carolyn was a meeting organizer, Shihui gave a talk, Dylan gave a lightening talk, and Maria presented a poster.

June 2024

Lab lunch to celebrate new lab grad student Maria, Endowed Fellowship for Shihui, Outstanding TA award for Sanjana, and new summer student Samuel.

May 2024

Carolyn is a keynote speaker at the Center or RNA Biology (CRB) and Cellular, Molecular, and Biochemical Science Training Program (CMBP) Annual Symposium at The Ohio State University.

April 2024

Carolyn and Sanjana attend the Todos Santos Small RNA meeting at the Colorado State University Campus in Todos Santos, Mexico. Carolyn was a meeting organizer and invited speaker and Sanjana chaired one of the sessions. 2024 Todos Santos Small RNA Meeting

April 2024

Carolyn is an invited speaker at the piRNAs and PIWI Proteins meeting in Montpellier France.

March 2024

Sanjana is selected for the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award for BISC 120L. Congrats Sanjana!

March 2024

Shihui is awarded the USC Graduate School Endowed Fellowship for 2024-2025. Whoohoo!!!!

March 2024

Welcome to new PhD student, María!

January 2024

Lab lunch to celebrate new papers from Celja, Sanjana, and Shihui. And congrats to Melissa who was accepted to graduate school for Fall 2024!

August 2023

Phillips lab attends the MCB Retreat in Oxnard, CA

August 2023

María and Yuying join the lab for Rotation 1. Welcome!

August 2023

Shihui represents the Phillips lab at the Epigenetics Gordon Research Conference (poster) and Gordon Research Seminar (talk!) in Holderness, NH

August 2023

Sevara presents her summer research at the USC Jumpstart Symposium. And a big thank you to Dylan for excellent mentorship!

August 2023

Shihui’s new manuscript examining the role of germ granules in properly loading HRDE-1 small RNAs is now available on Biorxiv!

June 2023

Sanjana represents the Phillips lab at the International C. elegans Meeting in Glasgow, Scotland

June 2023

Lab lunch to celebrate Tavo’s last day as a post-bac. Good luck in grad school!

May 2023

Celja and Sanjana’s new manuscript on germ granule organization is now available on Biorxiv!

March 2023

Shihui is awarded the USC Gold Fellowship! Congrats Shihui!

March 2023

Carolyn attends the Latin America Worm Meeting in Valparaiso, Chile!

December 2022

Now celebrating Sanjana’s quals and the end of rotation 2 for Trevor!

October 2022

Celebrating Shihui’s quals and the end of rotation 1 for Clayton and Momo!

October 2022

Carolyn, Dylan, and Jenny attend the Cold Spring Harbor Lab Germ Cells meeting. Germ Cells 2022

August 2022

Welcome to new graduate student, Khlifa!

July 2022

Carolyn, Sanjana and Shihui attend the Metabolism, Aging, Pathogenesis, and Small RNA meeting in Madison, WI. We survived our first in-person post-COVID meeting!

June 2022

VERY belated celebration for Jenny passing quals! Congrats Jenny!

May 2022

Carolyn hoods the first three Phillips lab PhDs!!!

March 2022 – Promotion!

Carolyn is promoted to ASSOCIATE professor with tenure!!!

March 2022

Farewell lunch for Kevin. Congrats on getting your perfect job as a medical science liason!

February 2022

Farewell lunch for Kat. We’ll miss you!

January 2022

Farewell lunch for Anne. Good luck with your new position at Genentech! And welcome to rotation students Nina and Brandon.

November 2021

Farewell lunch for Alicia. Congrats on the new lab and good luck in Texas!

September 2021

Anne defends her PhD. Congrats Anne!

August 2021

Kevin defends his PhD. Congrats Kevin!

August 2021

Farewell lunch for Celja. Best of luck in the Villeneuve lab. Can’t wait to see what you do next!

August 2021

Celja completes her PhD defense. Congrats Celja!

July 2021

Lab picnic to celebrate 5 papers (Alicia – Nucleic Acids Research, May 2020; Kevin – eLife April 2020; Celja – G3, October 2020; Alicia – Cell Reports, October 2020; and Anne – Nature Communications, July 2021), passing of quals (Dylan), fellowship awards (Alicia – ACS), job offers (Alicia – assistant professor at UT Arlington and Celja – post-doc in Villeneuve lab at Stanford), and new lab members (Jenny, Sanjana, and Shihui – PhD students, Shwetanshu and Diala – undergraduate researchers, Fergus – lab mascot). Congrats everyone!!!

July 2021

Anne’s paper is officially out at Nature Communications. Congrats Anne!

June 2021

How we take lab photos during the pandemic!

May 2021

Anne give as talk at the RNA Society Meeting – RNA 2021. Nice job Anne!

May 2021

Carolyn’s NIH/NIGMS R35/MIRA has been renewed – 5 more years of funding for the lab! Thanks to all the hard work of everyone in the lab!

February 2021

Celja and Kevin have a new micropublication out looking at SIMR-1 in embryos. Congrats Celja and Kevin!

December 2020

Alicia has just been awarded an American Cancer Society Postdoctoral Fellowship!!!

October 2020

Alicia’s new publication describing a small RNA feedback loop that regulates endogenous small RNA levels is now out in Cell Reports. Congratulations Alicia!

October 2020

Celja’s new publication in G3 has been selected as the Featured Article and her block print of C. elegans germ cells was chosen for the cover. Dana, a high school research assistant, also contributed to this work and designed her own cover submission (right). Congrats Celja and Dana!

Uebel and Phillips

May 2020

Congrats to Alicia on her microPublication!

May 2020

Congrats to Diego for completing his Master’s degree!

April 2020

Congrats to Kevin on his new paper just published in eLife!

April 2020

Phillips lab attends TAGC 2020 Online! Alicia gave a talk in the Adaptation in Natural Populations session and Celja presented a poster.

March 2020

Celja is awarded the DeLill Nasser Award for Professional Development in Genetics from the Genetics Society of America and the USC Graduate School Research Enhancement Fellowship. Congrats Celja!

March 2020

Congratulations to Alicia on her new paper just published at Nucleic Acids Research!

January 2020

Lunch to celebrate the end of Jenny’s rotation

November 2019

Lab Thanksgiving!

November 2019

Lunch to celebrate the end of Ana and Melanie’s rotation and welcome new rotation student Jenny

October 2019

Halloween 2019!

October 2019

Phillips lab celebrates Dylan and Anne’s G3 paper and welcomes new lab member Randall

October 2019

Phillips lab attends the USC Molecular and Computational Biology retreat in Lake Arrowhead, CA

September 2019

Congrats to Dylan, Anne, and Celja for our new publication now advanced online at G3. And some great cover art submissions too!

Wallis et al.

September 2019

Welcome to our new rotation students Ana and Melanie

August 2019

Congrats to Celja on her micropublication!

June 2019

Celja wins both the GSA Best Poster Award in “Gene Regulation and Genomics” and the Worm Art Show “Mixed Media” category with her collaboration with Susan Strome from UCSC (pictured with Ahna Skop and Susan Strome)

June 2019

Phillips lab attends the International C. elegans meeting at UCLA

May 2019

Celja attends Cell Symposium: Regulatory RNAs in Berlin, Germany

April 2019

Lab lunch to wish Kavini farewell and to celebrate new lab members Dana, Dylan, and Katerina

April 2019

Anne, Alicia, and Carolyn head to Todos Santos, Mexico for the C. elegans small RNA Symposium hosted by the Colorado State Univeristy Todos Santos Center and organized by Tai Montgomery, Amy Pasquinelli, Julie Claycomb, and Carolyn Phillips

January 2019

Lab lunch to celebrate the end of Dylan’s rotation

December 2018

Congrats to Celja for passing her qualifying exam!

November 2018

Phillips lab Thanksgiving lunch and welcome to new rotation student Dylan!

October 2018


October 2018

Phillips lab attends the USC MCB/QCB retreat in Lake Arrowhead, CA

July 2018

Congrats to Celja and Dorian for getting the first Phillips lab publication accepted at Plos Genetics! Celja also designed an awesome cover art submission.

Uebel et al.

June 2018

Lab lunch and farewell party for Lisa

May 2018

Celja and Anne attend the Cellular Mechanisms Driven by Liquid Phase Separation meeting in Heidelberg, Germany, while Carolyn and Kevin attand the CSHL Regulatory & Non-Coding RNAs meeting in Cold Spring Harbor, NY.

May 2018

Lab lunch to welcome new members (Alicia and Elizabeth) and to celebrate funding success (Celja and Elizabeth)

April 2018

Welcome to our newest postdoctoral fellow, Alicia Rogers!

April 2018

Congrats to Celja for being awarded the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!!!

November 2017

Congrats to Kevin for passing his quals!

November 2017

Caleb and Meghan join the lab for second rotation

September 2017

Josh joins the lab for his first rotation

August 2017

Congrats to Anne for passing her qualifying exam! First Phillips lab PhD candidate! Now back to work…

July 2017

Lab lunch to celebrate Celja and Carolyn’s funding success

July 2017

Celja is appointed as a NIH T32 Chemistry-Biology Interface trainee

June 2017

Phillips lab attends the 21st International C. elegans Meeting

June 2017

Celja wins mixed media category at the C. elegans art show with her print, “Before Egg Prep”

June 2017

Carolyn was selected as a 2017 Pew Scholar by the The Pew Scholars Program in the Biomedical Sciences

May 2017

Josh and Stephan graduate!

April 2017

Celja joins the lab as our third graduate student

March 2017

Carolyn receives the March of Dimes Basil O’Connor Starter Scholar Research Award

February 2017

Farewell party for Dorian at the LA Kings game

February 2017

Shanni, Tingting, and Christian join the lab for third rotation

January 2017

Diego joins the lab as an undergraduate researcher

January 2017

Lab picture (Last day of Katie and Celja’s rotation)

November 2016

Katie and Celja join the lab for second rotation

October 2016

Phillips lab practices earthquake safety… duck and cover!!!

October 2016

Kevin and Anne present posters at the USC Molecular and Computational Biology departmental retreat

August 2016

Lab lunch to celebrate Anne and Carolyn’s funding success

July 2016

Anne is appointed as a NIH T32 Chemistry-Biology Interface trainee

June 2016

Carolyn receives the R35/MIRA (Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award) from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences

April 2016

Anne and Kevin join the lab as our first two graduate students

January 2016

Kevin and Anne join the lab for their third rotation

October 2015

Amy and Veronica join the lab for their second rotation

September 2015

Josh joins the lab as an undergraduate researcher

June 2015

Injection scope is finally working thanks to Dorian

May 2015

Stephan joins the lab as an undergraduate researcher

May 2015

Dorian joins the lab as our first postdoc

April 2015

Deltavision is installed!

March 2015

Lisa joins the lab as a research technician

January 2015

Phillips lab opens!