

the first woman

who suffered for god

was Mary. perhaps

the day before she had

been a student. a flower

picker. a storyteller at the fire.

and when it happened, her eyes grew

dark, not knowing what would become of

Her. we tell her story now, thousands of years later; we praise her,

lift up her name. only She remembers such intimate details: the

hunger, the strange ache, the vomit. the agony of a body swelling

to make room for another. a uterus will dutifully create a home,

even for an invasive thing. Mary, reach out your hand, across time.

did you know, all along, this was our fate?

KB is an artist and lover of nearly all Pokémon games. In addition, she loves weird, tiny, radical games and experiences. She is particularly motivated by the intersection of games and learning; her goal is to build learning environments in which players are empowered, responsible, and empathetic.

Other things KB is passionate about: justice and equity in education, poetry, button-downs from the 90s. Her specialties within the games industry include narrative design, music and sound design, and production. Be sure to let her know what fanfiction you’re reading right now.

You can follow KB on Twitter here.