Queer Resonance

ByJulia Ehlert

“Queer Resonance is a documentary short about connections between young LGBTQ people across history. As an archival assistant at ONE Archives, I found a collection of letters written to the staff of one of the oldest gay publications in the US—ONE Magazine. These letters told stories of queer people struggling to understand their identities, searching for love, facing oppression, and seeking community in the 1950s and 60s. I had some of my LGBTQ friends read and respond to these letters in 2019, where they discovered a resonance with the past that they may not have expected.”

Julia Ehlert is a USC senior studying Media Arts + Practice. She works at the intersection of art and science, creating multimedia projects that tell stories about life and everything that makes it fascinating. She hopes to make science more interesting and accessible to everyone and create art that speaks to the profound nature of existence.