Bread Without Mold

ByCameryn Baker

i spoke with God last wednesday.

cramped into His tiny kitchenette

i paid mind to my posture, and

He let out a sigh.


while He scrounged His

creaky cupboards for

bread without mold,

i inquired after the state of things.


God offered me a

generous slice, which i

declined against

all sensibility.


He shrugged and then,

leaning His elbows on the counter,

admitted outright that

nothing had turned out as planned.


still i bowed as i left

and He gave a grateful nod

oh, and hey, He said,

good luck with the girl.

Cameryn Baker is a sophomore studying Creative Writing with minors in Screenwriting and Cinematic Arts. She enjoys wearing hats and fun socks, and believes that the only way to write is in Times New Roman.

You can follow Cameryn on Instagram here.