
ByAntoinette Ricchio

The rain patters on the window tonight

With such a vengeance,

It is the only thing that reminds me I’m not dead.

I want to put on a flowy nightgown—

white, with lace around the collar—

And go outside barefoot and walk down my driveway

and lie down in the small basin of water filling between

the curb and the street and let the water rush down

along my skin, the smooth current dancing down my face,

past my arms and along my legs,

making me one with the storm.

And maybe I will drift away

to a different street on a different corner

where rain can just be rain and

when my head hits the pillow at night,

I actually fall asleep.

Antoinette Ricchio is an actress and writer from Chicago now based in Los Angeles. Graduating from USC this spring, Antoinette’s goal is to work in the television industry. Antoinette’s other artistic interests include poetry and stand-up comedy. In her free time, Antoinette likes to cook, spend time with her family and friends, and dance around her apartment.