five photos

ByUlysses Salcido

“I present 5 photos of indigenous Aztec rituals to honor dead ancestors where dancers enter a trance like state. For many hours the dancers transcend human experience and bring the spiritual world to life. Using camera techniques to further perpetuate this transcendence, the viewer can see the moments where the spirits manifest themselves and try to break free from their human hosts.”

Ulysses Salcido‘s photography has been installed for several years in Chicago and Los Angeles and has been featured in online-based magazines and photography shows. Ulysses has also worked on a film production career, producing a documentary short with Vans Inc. and has experience in live multi-camera broadcasting and has directed two seasons of an in-studio guest show for WYCC PBS Chicago.

Currently he is studying at the University of Southern California for a degree in Visual Anthropology and a minor in Media in Social Change.