Are You Ready?

Drop, cover and hold on at 10:16 a.m. to get yourself ready for the Big One.

The Great California ShakeOut is coming. USC will participate in the state’s annual earthquake drill on Thursday, Oct. 16 at 10:16 a.m.

The Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) housed in USC Dornsife created The Great California ShakeOut in 2008.

This year, more than 9 million people are expected to take part, making the ShakeOut the largest disaster drill in history. The ShakeOut will include several other states and countries, making this an international event.

The drill aims to prepare people for the next big earthquake and practice how to protect themselves when it happens. Students, staff and faculty are encouraged to “drop, cover and hold on” as part of the drill.

In addition to participating in the 10:16 a.m. event, USC encourages everyone in the campus community to evaluate their personal preparedness. Among the recommended steps:

  • Assemble a new emergency kit or update an existing kit for the home, car and office. Recommended supplies include food, water and first aid items.
  • Secure furnishings in your home such as bookcases, televisions and cabinets.

USC participates in the ShakeOut as part of the university’s extensive emergency preparedness program managed by the USC Office of Fire Safety and Emergency Planning.