
We are currently looking for participants for several online studies (via Zoom). If you are interested in having your child participate, please fill out the signup form below and sign up using the links provided for each study. You will be compensated for your time.

If you have any questions, email us at

Ongoing Research Projects

2-4 year olds

The Help-Seeking Study

In the Help-Seeking study, we are looking to better understand when and from whom children seek assistance.

What: Your child will play problem-solving puzzles to let us learn when and from whom they seek help. 

Age: 2-4 years old (27-47 months)

Duration: 15-20 minutes

Compensation: $15 Amazon gift card

Contact: Alex Raport at or

3 year olds

The Perspective-Taking Study

In the Perspective-Taking Study, we are examining whether 3-year-old children know that another person might see or think about an object or event differently than they do.

What: Your child will watch a series of fun animated videos and may answer a few follow-up questions. 

Age: 3 years old

Duration: 15 minutes

Compensation: $15 Amazon gift

Contact: Qianhui Vicky Ni at or 

4-5 year olds

The Teaching Study

In the Teaching study, we examine children’s understanding of teaching and how children share knowledge.

What: Your child will learn several interesting facts about animals and may answer follow-up questions.

Age: 4 to 5 years old

Duration: 15-20 minutes

Compensation: $20 Amazon gift card

Contact: Wani Qiu at

6-7 year olds

The Counterfactual Reasoning Study

In the Counterfactual Reasoning Study, we explore the possibility that the ability for conservation and counterfactual thinking share a common cognitive denominator, which is the ability to reverse an action in one’s mind and accurately represent the counterfactual state.

What: Your child will learn several interesting facts about animals and may answer follow-up questions.

Age: 6 to 7 years old



Contact: Bella Fascendini or Qianhui Vicky Ni at

Contact Us

Minds in Development Lab

Associate Professor

Henrike Moll