NSF SPRF-IBSS SBE1606976 [G. Margolin, PI, S. Narayanan, co-PI, L. S. Shapiro, co-PI]
Title: The Degree of Synchrony Across Physiological and Behavioral Indicators in Aggression; 09/01/2016-08/31/2018.
NIH-NICHD R01 HD046807 [G. Margolin, PI]
Title: Adolescents’ Exposure to Family and Community Violence; 6/15/2005-3/31/2012.
NIH-NICHD R21HD072170-A1 [G. Margolin, PI]
Title: Family Violence and Young Adult Dating Aggression: Reactivity and Compassion.
Pilot Funding SC CTSI (NIH/NCATS) through Grant 8UL1TR000130 [G. Margolin, PI]
Title: “A Day in the Life”: Using Mobile Tehnology to Measure Romantic Partners’ Emotions, Vocalizations, and Physiology as Possible Indicators of Dating Aggression.
John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation [G. Margolin, PI]
Title: A Social Science Look at Los Angeles Teen Court Jurors.