Spring 2025 Courses
JS-100gp Jewish History 38200R Lecture Mon/ Wed 2:00-3:20 pm
- Discussion 38201R Monday 3:30-4:20 pm
- Discussion 38202R Monday 4:30-5:20 pm
- Discussion 38203R Wednesday 4:30-5:20 pm
- Discussion 38204R Wednesday 3:30-4:20 pm
JS-150gw Jewish Histories of the Modern Middle East Lecture 38231R Tue/ Thu 2:00-3:20 pm
JS-170gp Exploring the Hebrew Bible Lecture 38226R Tue/ Thu 11:00-12:20 pm
JS-211gw The Holocaust 38206R Lecture Tue/Thu 12:30-1:50 pm
- Discussion 38207R Tuesday 10:00-10:50 am
- Discussion 38208R Tuesday 11:00-11:50 am
- Discussion 38209R Thursday 10:00-10:50 am
- Discussion 38210R Thursday 11:00-11:50 am
GESM 110g Exile and Identity: Israeli and Palestinian Artists 35292R M/W 2:00-3:20 PM
GESM 120g: Lens on Society 35219R T/TH 9:30-10:50 am
JS-315g: Antisemitism, Racism, and Other Hatreds 38268R Tue/Thu 9:30-10:50 am
JS-320: The Sephardic World T/TH
JS-342: Reading in Two Directions: Connecting Law and Literature in Jewish Tradition 38264R Mon/Wed 2:00-3:20 pm
JS-370gp Digs and Dispute: Religion and Archaeology in Israel 38225R Tue/Thu 12:30-1:50 pm
JS-389 Culture and Society in Israel: Inventing the Dream 38216R Tue/Thu 2:00-3:20 pm
JS-490x Directed Research 38220D
JS-590 Directed Research 38221D
HEBR-125 Conversational Hebrew: Culture, Society and Communication 36705R Monday 11:00-12:20 pm
HEBR-150 Hebrew II36701D MTuWTh 10:00-10:50 am
HEBR-315 Modern Hebrew Language (Hebrew IV) 36703D Tue/Thu 11:00-12:20 pm
Core Courses
JS 100gp Jewish History (GE-B, Humanistic Inquiry; GE-H, Traditions and Historical Foundations)
JS 180gp Introduction to Judaism (GE-C, Social Analysis; GE-H, Traditions and Historical Foundations)
REL 301 Introduction to the Study of Religion
REL 401 Seminar in Religious Studies
Judaism as a Religious Tradition
JS 170gp Exploring The Hebrew Bible
JS 258gp Food, Faith, and Conflict (GE-B, Humanistic Inquiry; GE-H, Traditions and Historical Foundations)
JS 314gp Holy War and History: Jews, Christians, Muslims (GE-B, Humanistic Inquiry; GE-H, Traditions and Historical Foundations; Middle East Studies Major, Middle East Studies Minor)
JS 321 Gender and Judaism (Gender Studies Minor)
JS 361 Scripture and Polemic in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (Middle East Studies)
JS 370gp Digs and Disputes: The Politics of Archaeology
JS 374 Messiah: The History of an Idea
JS 378 Jewish Magic in the Ancient World
JS 382g Judaism as an American Religion (Jewish American Studies Minor; Sociology Major)
JS 467 Modern Jewish Thought
REL 111g The World of the Hebrew Bible (GE-B, Humanistic Inquiry; Interdisciplinary Archaeology Major; Religion Major)
REL 112g Religions of Ancient Egypt and the Near East (GE-B, Humanistic Inquiry; Interdisciplinary Archaeology Major; Religion Major)
REL 114g The Mediterranean: A Religious History (GE-B, Humanistic Inquiry; Interdisciplinary Archaeology Major; Religion Major)
REL 115g Jerusalem, City of Three Faiths (GE-B, Humanistic Inquiry; Interdisciplinary Archaeology Major; Religion Major)
REL 121g The World of the New Testament (GE-B, Humanistic Inquiry; Interdisciplinary Archaeology Major; Religion Major)
REL 311g The Bible in Western Literature (GE-B, Humanistic Inquiry; Religion Major)
REL 312 Biblical Wisdom Literature (Religion Major)
REL 317g The Bible in Its Ancient Context (GE-B, Humanistic Inquiry; Religion Major)
REL 335 Gender, Religion and Sexuality (Religion Major)
REL 359g Culture in Diaspora: The Jews of Spain (GE-B, Humanistic Inquiry, Religion Major)
REL 364 Religion and Ethic (Religion Major)
REL 394 Archaeology of Egypt and the Near East (Religion Major)
REL 473 Advanced Hebrew Bible Studies (Religion Major)
Jewish History and Culture
JS 150gw Jewish History of the Modern Middle East
JS 211gw The Holocaust (GE-C, Social Analysis; GE-G, Citizenship in a Diverse World, Resistance to Genocide Interdisciplinary Minor)
JS 214 Zionism, Israel, and the Modern World
JS 300 American Jewish History (Jewish American Studies Minor)
JS 315g Antisemitism, Racism and Other Hatreds (GE-B, Humanistic Inquiry; Resistance to Genocide Interdisciplinary Minor)
JS 320 The Sephardic World
JS 328gw Blacks and Jews: Conflicts and Alliances (Jewish American Studies Minor)
JS 330 Jewish Politics in the Contemporary World (Jewish American Studies Minor)
JS 340 Modern Jewish History
JS 342 Reading in Two Directions: Connecting Law and Literature in Jewish Tradition (Law, History, and Culture Major)
JS 360m Identity, Community, and Service: Jews and Other Americans (Non-Governmental Organizations and Social Change Major)
JS 362 Terror and Resistance in Literature and Media (Minor in Resistance to Genocide)
JS 375 Issues of American Jewish Literature
JS 379gm Mixed Matches: Intermarriage in the 21st Century (GE-C, Social Analysis; Sociology Major)
JS 381 The Jew in American Society (Jewish American Studies Minor)
JS 383 Jews in American Popular Culture (Jewish American Studies Minor)
JS 389 Culture and Society in Israel: Inventing the Dream (Middle East Studies Major, Middle East Studies Minor)
JS 390 Special Problems
JS 402w Jews, Judaism, and Race
JS 415 The American Jewish Experience in Film (Jewish American Studies Minor)
JS 490x Directed Research (Juniors and Seniors)
JS 499 Special Topics: Sex and Judaism: Queers, Straights and Others (Gender Studies)
JS 590 Directed Research
HIST 305 From Goddesses to Witches: Women in Premodern Europe
HIST 323 The Holocaust in 20th Century Europe (Law, History and Culture Major)
HIST 383 The Modern Middle East (Middle Eastern Studies Major and Minor)
HIST 402 Cultural Heritage, Religion, and Politics in the Middle East
HIST 443 Race and Religious Riots in Modern World History
HIST 444 Mass Violence and Comparative Genocide in Modern World History
HIST 446 Resistance to Genocide (Resistance to Genocide Interdisciplinary Minor)
ITAL 352 The Holocaust in Fiction and Film (Resistance to Genocide Interdisciplinary Major)
MSCR 475 Introduction to Jewish Music
SPAN 350 Cultural Cross-Currents of the Iberian Middle Ages
Hebrew Courses
HEBR 120 Hebrew I
HEBR 150 Hebrew II
HEBR 220 Hebrew III
HEBR 315 Modern Hebrew Language (Hebrew IV)
JS 504 Modern Hebrew Literature
General Education Seminars for Freshmen
GESM 110g The Comedy of Difference: Jewish Humor in 20th Century America
GESM 110g Exile and Identity – Modern Israeli and Palestinian Artists
GESM 110g Scripture and Script: The Bible in Literature and Film
GESM 120g Biblical Protagonists
GESM 120g The Problem of Evil
GESM 120g Jewish Identity in Literature
GESM 120g Literature of Resistance
GESM 120g Messiah: The History of an Idea
GESM 120g Part of a Larger Story: The American Jewish Experience in Literature
GESM 120g Prescriptions of Faith: Judaism & Christianity in the First Centuries of the Common Era
GESM 120g Reading Scripture: the Hebrew Bible, New Testament and Qu’ran in Dialogue
GESM 120g Representing the Holocaust
GESM 120g Women in Ancient Literature
GESM 130g Israel in the News
GESM 130g Jewish Language in the 21st Century