USC Dornsife recognizes undergraduate students with a Dornsife major who have achieved a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher with a minimum of 12 units of letter-graded registered coursework. The Dornsife Dean’s List reflects this recognition. (Please note that a course taken for credit CR is not letter-graded.)
USC Dornsife is now providing electronic Dean’s List Certificates! Electronic certificates allow recipients to download, print and share. If you have been named to the USC Dornsife Dean’s List and would like a certificate to acknowledge your accomplishment, you can download your certificate through the link below. Certificates are available from Fall 2018 to present.
Former USC students who no longer have an active USC student account can still access the certificate(s). Your USC Student ID, First Name, and Last Name must match your information in the USC system.

Printed Certificates:
In support of USC’s Sustainability Initiatives, USC Dornsife does not provide printed certificates to our Dean’s List recipients. Printed Certificates can be purchased directly from the vendor, who kindly extended the offer to print certificates for a limited time.* If you would like information on purchasing a printed certificate, CLICK HERE.
*The vendor, Ready Reproductions, reserves the right to cancel the offer to supply Printed Certificates at any time without notice. *
**USC Dornsife is in no way involved in the purchase, printing or shipping of certificates and holds no responsibility thereof. The information provided is offered as a courtesy only.**
Honorees by Year
For questions, email Please include “Dean’s List” in the Subject Line. Fall Dean’s Lists are posted in late-February or March of each year. Spring Dean’s Lists are posted in late-June or July of each year.