- Coricelli, G. (2025). “Omission of rewards and regret representations in the brain”. In: Grafman, J.H. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Human Brain, Second Edition, vol. 3, pp. 432–439. USA: Elsevier.
- Coricelli, G. and Nagel, R. (2024). “Behavioral, Experimental and Neuro Game Theory”.
- Coricelli, G. and Nagel, R. (2024). “Neural correlates of strategic thinking in the p-Beauty Contest game”.
- Fioretti, M., Vostroknutov, A., Coricelli, G. (2022) “Dynamic Regret Avoidance”. American Economic Journal: Micro. pdf
- Panizza, F., Vostroknutov, A., Coricelli, G. (2021) “How Conformity Can Lead to Polarised Social Behaviour” PLoS Computational Biology. pdf
- Zonca, J, Vostroknutov, S, Coricelli G., Polonio, L. (2021). Timing of social feedback shapes observational learning in strategic interaction, Scientific Reports. pdf
- Zaffuto, F. Joffily, M. and Coricelli G. (2021) “The effect of ex-post information in choice under ambiguity”.
- Pischedda, D., Palminteri, S. & Coricelli, G. (2020). “The effect of counterfactual information on outcome value coding in medial prefrontal and cingulate cortex: from an absolute to a relative neural code”. The Journal of Neuroscience. 40(16):3268–3277. pdf
- Lee, D., & Coricelli, G. (2020). “An Empirical Test of the Role of Value Certainty in Decision Making”. Front. Psychol. 11:574473. pdf
- Zonca, J., Coricelli, G.and Polonio L. (2020) Sophisticated attention comes into play: linking relational representation in reasoning and strategic sophistication in games. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition. 46(2):257-279. pdf
- Guerini, R., FitzGibbon, L. and Coricelli, G. (2020). The role of agency in regret and relief in 3- to 10-year-old children. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (in press). pdf
- Chierchia, G., Tufano, F.,and Coricelli, G. (2020). The differential impact of friendship on cooperative and competitive coordination. Theory and Decision (in press). pdf
- Zonca, J., Coricelli, G, & Polonio, L. (2020). “Gaze Patterns disclose the link between cognitive reflection and sophistication in strategic interaction”. Judgement and Decision Making. 15(2):230-245. pdf
- Timberlake, B., Coricelli, G. & Bault, N. (2020) “The Moral Psychology of Regret”, in Mark Alfano (ed.). Moral Psychology of the Emotions. Rowman & Littlefield International. pdf
- Coricelli, G., Polonio, L. Vostroknutov, A. (2020). “The process of choice in games”. Handbook of Experimental Game Theory (forthcoming). pdf
- Bault, N. di Pellegrino, G. Puppi, M., Opolczynski, G., Monti, A., Braghittoni, D., Thibaut, F., Rustichini, A., and Coricelli, G. (2019) “Neuroanatomical dissociation between private and social fictive learning following ventromedial prefrontal cortex damage”. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. pdf
- Zonca, J., Coricelli, G., & Polonio, L. (2019). Does exposure to alternative decision rules change gaze patterns and behavioral strategies in games? Journal of the Economic Science Association, pdf
- Polonio, L., and Coricelli, G. (2019). “Testing the level of consistency between choices and beliefs using eye-tracking” Games and Economic Behavior. pdf
- Bevard, S., Lebreton, M., Khamassi, M., Coricelli, G., Palminteri, S. (2018). Reference-point centering and range-adaptation enhance human reinforcement learning at the cost of irrational preferences. Nature Communications. .pdf
- Neveu, R., Neveu, D., Carrier, E., Gay, A., Nicolas, A. and Coricelli, G. (2018). “Functional organization of cognitive control and goal oriented valuation systems in bulimia nervosa: an fMRI study”. EBioMedicine pdf
- Chiarchia, G., Nagel, R., Coricelli, G. (2018). “Betting on nature or betting on others: anti-coordination induces uniquely high levels of entropy”. Scientific Report. pdf
- Vostroknutov, A., Polonio, L., Coricelli, G. (2018) “Observational Learning and Intelligence” Scientific Report 8:6896
- Coricelli, G., Diecidue, E., Zaffuto, F. (2018). “Evidence for multiple strategies in choice under risk“. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty
- Aziz-Zadeh, L., Kilroy, E., Coricelli, G. (2018). “Understanding activation patterns in shared circuits: Toward a value driven model”. Frontiers Human Neuroscience. pdf
- Nagel, R., Brovelli, A., Heinemann, F., Coricelli, G. (2018). “Neural mechanisms mediating degrees of strategic uncertainty”. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 13, 1, 52-62. pdf
- Coricelli, G., Bault, N. and Rusconi, E. (2018). “Probing the decisional process with noninvasive brain stimulation” Handbook of Process Tracing Methods for Decision Research. Psychology Press.
- Salvador A, Worbe Y, Delorme C, Coricelli G, Gaillard R, Robbins TW, Hartmann A, Palminteri S. (2017). Specific effect of a dopamine partial agonist on counterfactual learning: evidence from Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. Scientific Report, 24;7(1):6292 pdf
- Bault, N., Wydoot, P., Coricelli, G. (2016).“Different Attentional Patterns for Regret and Disappointment: An Eye-Tracking Study”. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making pdf
- Neveu, R., Neveu, D., Barbalat, G., Schmidt, U., Coricelli, G., Nicolas, A. (2016). “The Sequential Binge, a New Therapeutic Approach for Binge Eating: A Pilot Study. PLoS ONE 11(11) pdf
- Palminteri, S., Kilford, E.J., Coricelli, G., Blakemore, S-J (2016). “The computational development of reinforcement learning during adolescence”, PLoS Computational Biology Palminteri et al 2016
- Neveu R., Fouragnan E., Barsumian F., Carrier E., Lai M., Nicolas A., Neveu D., and Coricelli G. (2016) Preference for safe over risky options in binge eating. Front. Behav. Neurosci. pdf
- Palminteri, S., Khamassi, M., Joffily, M., Coricelli, G. (2015). Contextual modulation of value signals in reward and punishment learning. Nature Communications pdf
- Chierchia, G, Coricelli, G. (2015). The impact of perceived similarity on tacit coordination: propensity for matching and aversion to decoupling choices. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience
- Polonio, L., Di Guida, S. andCoricelli G. (2015). Strategic sophistication and attention in games: an eye-tracking study.Games and Economic Behavior, 80-96 pdf
- Griessinger, T., and Coricelli G. (2015).The Neuroeconomics of Strategic Interaction. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences. 3, 73-79 pdf
- Clausi S., Coricelli G., Pisotta I., Pavone E.F., Lauriola M., Molinari M., Leggio M. (2015) “Cerebellar damage impairs the self-rating of regret feeling in a gambling task”, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 9-113
- Coricelli, G. and Nagel, R. (2015). “Responses from the body: An introduction to Neuroeconomics.” in Experimental Economics, Eds. Branas-Garza and Cabrales. Palgrave McMillan
- Robic, S, Sonie, S, Fonlupt, P, Henaff, M.-A., Touil, N., Coricelli, G., Mattout, J., Schmitz, C. (2015). Decision-Making in a Changing World: A Study in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 45(6):1603-13. Robic et al Abstract
- Coricelli, G. (2015) “Strategic mentalizing: The neural correlates of strategic choice”. Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference. edited by Arthur W. Toga. 153-158.
- Neveu, R., Neveu, D., Barsumian, F., Fouragnan, E., Carrier, E., Perroud, A., Lai, M., Sultan, J., Nicolas, A., and Coricelli, G. (2014). “Improved planning abilities in binge eating”. PLoS One. Neveu et al
- Zalla, T., Sirigu, A., Robic, S., Chaste, P., Leboyer, M., and Coricelli G. (2014). Feelings of Regret and Disappointment in Adults with High-Functioning Autism. Cortex 58:112-122 Zalla et al_Cortex
- Coricelli, G., Rusconi, E., Villeval M-C. (2014). Tax Evasion and emotions in repeated interactions: An empirical test of re-integrative shaming theory. Journal of Economic Psychology. 40:49-61 Coricelli-Rusconi-Villeval_JOEP_2014
- Joffily, M. and Coricelli G. (2013). Emotional valence and the free-energy principle. PLoS Computational Biology. pdf
- Fouragnan, E., Chierchia, G., Greiner, S., Neveu,R., Avesani, P., and Coricelli, G. (2013). Reputational priors magnify striatal responses to violations of trust. The Journal of Neuroscience. 33(8):3602–3611 pdf
- Giorgetta, C., Grecucci, A., Bonini, B., Coricelli, G., Demarchi, G., Braun, C., Sanfey, A. (2013). Waves of regret: A MEG study of emotion and decision-making. Neuropsychologia. 6;51(1), pp. 38-51 pdf
- Grygolec, J., Coricelli, G. and Rustichini, A. (2012) “Positive Interaction of Social Comparison and Personal Responsibility for Outcomes”. Frontiers in Cognitive Science. doi: 10.338 pdf
- Coricelli, G.and Joffily, M. (2012). Cognitive-based emotions: theory and evidence from the brain. In F. Paglieri, L. Tummolini, M. Miceli, R. Falcone (Eds.), The goals of cognition: essays in honor of Cristiano Castelfranchi. London: College Publications. 203-209.
- Simioni, S., Annoni, J-M., Coricelli, G., Bault, N., Kleeberg, J., Du Pasquier,R.A., Gschwind, M., Vuilleumier, P., Schluep, M. (2012). Multiple sclerosis decreases explicit counterfactual processing and risk taking in decision making. PLoS ONE 7(12):e50718 pdf
- Coricelli, G., and Nagel, R. (2012).”The neural basis of bounded rational behavior”. RIS. 70, pp. 39-52.
- Bault, N., Joffily, M., Rustichini, A., Coricelli, G. (2011).”Medial prefrontal cortex and striatum mediate the influence of social comparison on the decision process”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. Sep 20;108(38):16044-9. pdf
- Chierchia, G., and Coricelli, G (2011). “The neuroeconomics of cognitive control.” In Neural Basis of Motivational and Cognitive Control, R. Mars, J. Sallet, M. Rushworth and N. Yeung (Eds). The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA
- Coricelli, G., Rusconi, E. (2011) “Probing the decisional brain with rTMS and tDCS”. Handbook of Process Tracing Methods for Decision Research. Psychology Press, pp. 205-222. pdf
- Coricelli, G., Joffily, M., Montmarquette, C., and Villeval M-C (2010). “Cheating, Emotions, and Rationality: An Experiment on Tax Evasion”. Journal of Experimental Economics. 13, pp. 226-247. pdf
- Coricelli, G., and Rustichini, A. (2010). “Counterfactual Thinking and Emotions: Regret and Envy Learning”. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 365, 1538, pp. 241-7. pdf
- Burnett, S., Bault, N., Coricelli, G., Blakemore S.J. (2010). “Adolescents’ heightened risk-seeking in a probabilistic gambling task”. Cognitive Development, vol 25, 2, pp. 183-196. pdf
- Coricelli, G., and Nagel, R. (2010). “Neuroeconomics of depth of reasoning”. History of Economic Ideas, vol XVIII, pp. 123-131. pdf
- Larquet, M., Coricelli, G., Opolczynski, G., Thibaut, F. (2010). “Impaired decision-making in schizophrenia and orbitofrontal cortex patients”. Schizophrenia Research. 116 (2-3), pp. 266-73. pdf
- Coricelli, G., and Nagel, R. (2010). “Walking with Reinhard Selten and the Guessing Game: From the Origin to the Brain”. In “The Selten School of Behavioral Economics”, Abdolkarim Sadrieh and Axel Ockenfels (Eds.). Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 111-123. pdf
- Coricelli, G., and Nagel, R. (2009). “Neural correlates of depth of strategic reasoning in medial prefrontal cortex”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 106, 23, pp. 9163-8. pdf
- Coricelli, G., and Rustichini A. (2009). “Reward-based emotions: affective evaluation of outcomes and regret learning”. In Tremblay, L. and Dreher, J.C. (Eds). Handbook of Reward and Decision Making, Elsevier. pdf
- Bault, N., Coricelli, G., Rustichini, A. (2008). “Interdependent utilities: How social ranking affects choice behavior”. PLoS One, 3(10):e3477. pdf
- Ambrosino, A., Bault, N., Coricelli, G. (2008). “Neural basis of emotional aspects of economic decision making”. Revue d’économie politique, 1, pp. 63-73. pdf
- Coricelli, G. (2008). “The potential role of regret in the physician-patient relationship: insights from neuroeconomics”. Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research, 20 pp. 85-97. pdf
- Giardini, F., Coricelli, G., Joffily, M., Sirigu, A. (2008). “The effect of desirability on confidence”. In: Abdellaboui, M., Hey J.D. (Eds.) Advances in Decision Making under Risk and Uncertainty. Heidelberg: Springer. pdf
- Coricelli, G., Schwarzbach, J. Cervello e decisioni (2008). In Bonini, N., Del Missier, F. e Rumiati R. (Eds.) Giudizio e Decisione. Il MULINO. pdf
- Büchner, S., Coricelli, G., and Greiner, B. (2007) “Self-centered and other-regarding behavior in the Solidarity game”. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 62, 2, pp. 293-303. pdf
- Coricelli, G., Dolan, R.J., Sirigu, A. (2007). “Brain, emotion and decision making: the paradigmatic example of regret”. TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences, 11, 6, pp. 258-265.pdf
- Coricelli, G., Gonzales-Morales, L. and Mahlstedt, A. (2006). “The investment game with asymmetric information”. Metroeconomica, 57, 1, pp. 13-30. pdf
- Coricelli, G., Camille, N., Pradat-Diehl, P, Duhamel, JR, Sirigu, A. (2005). “Why anticipated regret influences subjects’ choice”. Science (response to comment), 308, pp. 1260-1261. pdf
- Coricelli, G., Critchley, H.D., Joffily, M., O’Doherty, J.D., Sirigu, A., and Dolan, R.J. (2005). “Regret and its Avoidance: A Neuroimaging Study of Choice Behavior”. Nature Neuroscience, 8, pp. 1255-1262. pdf
- Coricelli, G., (2005). “Two-levels of mental states attribution: from automaticity to voluntariness”. Neuropsychologia, 43, pp. 294-300. pdf
- Camille, N., Coricelli, G., Sallet, J., Pradat, P., Duhamel, JR, and Sirigu, A. (2004). “The involvement of the orbitofrontal cortex in the experience of regret”. Science, 304, 5674, pp. 1167-1170. pdf
- Coricelli, G., Fehr, D., and Fellner, G. (2004). “Partner selection in public goods experiments”. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 48, 3, pp. 356-378. pdf
- Coricelli, G. (2004). “How the Brain Evaluates and Predicts Monetary Rewards”. Homo Oeconomicus, 21, pp. 509-520. pdf
- Coricelli, G. (2004). “Reciprocity-based emotions: An experimental study.” Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali, pp. 359-379. pdf
- Coricelli, G., and Luini, L. (2003). “Double Moral Hazard: an Experiment on Warranties”. Economia impresa e mercati finanziari, 2, pp. 7-25. pdf
- Coricelli, G., McCabe, K.A. and Smith V.L. (2000). “Theory-of-Mind Mechanism in Personal Exchange”. Affective Minds, Elsevier Science Publishers, pp. 249-259.pdf
Papers under revision or ready for submission
- Menghi, N., Coricelli, G., Hickey, C.M. “How visual and proprioceptive feedback mediate the effect of monetary incentive on motor precision” (under revision).
- Panizza, F., Vostroknutov, A., & Coricelli, G. “Meta-Context and Choice-Set Effects in Mini-Dictator Games”. (under revision).
- Griessinger, T., Coricelli. G., & Khamassi, M. Reward vs. beliefs learning in repeated social interactions. (ready for submission)
- Grygolec, J., Coricelli, G., Rustichini, A. “Neuroeconomics of 3-person Ultimatum Game with Voting: The case of Responders” (ready for submission) pdf
- Chierchia, G., and Coricelli, G. “The role of cognitive control and emotions in decision-making: a neuroeconomics perspective”.
- Zonca, J., Polonio, L. & Coricelli, G. “Poor information processing predicts deviations from equilibrium in interactive games” (ready for submission)
- Keller, B. and Coricelli G. Model based vs. model free observational learning. (ready for submission)
- Robic, S., Bault, N., Zalla, T., Coricelli, G.“The emotions of regret and envy in high functioning autism”. (ready for submission)
- Zaffuto, F. Joffily, M. and Coricelli G.“Time-resolution of uncertainty in choice under ambiguity”. (ready for submission)
Manuscripts in preparation
- Bault, N., Larsen, T, Khamassi, M, Polonio, L, Vostroknutov, A. & Coricelli G. Evaluating the skills of others during observational learning.
- Bault, N., Puppi, M., van Winden, F. & Coricelli, G. Stimulating the right posterior superior temporal sulcus modulates the formation of negative ties during economic exchanges.
- Polonio, L., Bault, N., Zonca, J., & Coricelli. G.The brain bases of strategic reasoning.
- Zaffuto, F., Bault, N., Mazzocco, K., Joffily, M., Diecidue, E. and Coricelli, G. “Aspiration level, Probability of success and failure: behavioral and neuronal evidence”.
- Ravaioli, S., Polonio, L., Sodini, M., & Coricelli, G.,“A dynamic threshold model of optimal stopping”.
- Larsen, T, Del Frate, B., & Coricelli, G.Transfer of confidence between brains in a novel behavioral task. (Working paper)
- Puppi, M., Larsen, T., Dalla Villa, J., Florio, V., & Coricelli, G. Implicit measure of confidence in schizophrenia.
- Panizza, F., Vostroknutov, A., & Coricelli, G. Influence of observation on other-regarding attitude: a computational exploration (Registered Report). (R&R, Royal Society Open Science).
- Grygolec, J., Combs, T.D., Joffily, M., Coricelli, G. “Disposition Effect and Evaluation Periods: Neural Underpinnings”.
- Coricelli, G.“Strategic interactions in iterated zero-sum games”. (ready for submission)
- “Socio-emotional deficits in high functioning autism”. With Elissar Andari, Angela Sirigu and Georgieff.