Journal Articles

Hennigan K.M., Kolnick K.A., Vindel F. (2015) Targeting youth at risk for gang involvement: Validation of a gang risk assessment to support indvidualized secondary prevention. Children and Youth Services Review, 56, p 86-96.  [pdf]
Hennigan K.M., Maxson C.L., Sloane D.C., Kolnick K.A., Vindel F. (2014) Identifying high-risk youth for secondary gang prevention. Journal of Crime and Justice, 37 (1), p 104-128.  [pdf]
Curtis, J.W., Shiau, E., Lowery, B., Sloane, D., Hennigan, K., & Curtis (2014) The prospects and problems for integrating sketch maps with geographic information systems to understand environmental perception: A case study of mapping youth fear in Los Angeles gang neighborhoods. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 41, P 251-271. [pdf]
Hennigan, K.M. & Sloane, D. (2013) Improving civil gang injunctions: How implementation can affect gagng dynamics, crime and violence. Criminology and Public Policy, 12 (1), p 7-41. [pdf] [pdf]
Maxson, C.M., Matsuda, K., & Hennigan, K.M. (2011) Deterrability among gang and nongang juvenile offenders: Are gang members more (or less) deterrable than other juvenile offenders? Crime and Delinquency, 57(4) p 516-543. [pdf]

Vasquez, E.A., Lickel, B., & Hennigan, K.H. (2010) Gangs, displaced, and group-based aggression. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 15 (2), p 130-140. [pdf]


Chapters in Books

Hennigan, K.M. & Spanovic, M. (2012) Gang dynamics through the Lens of social identity theory. In F. A. Esbensen & C. Maxson (Eds), Youth Gangs in International Perspective: Tales from the Eurogang Program of Research, Springer. [pdf]
Hennigan, K.M. & Maxson, C. (2012) New directions in street gang prevention for youth: The Los Angeles experience. In J. Sides (Ed), Post-Ghetto: Reimagining South Los Angeles, Berkeley: University of California Press.
Vasquez, E. A., Lickel, B., & Hennigan, K.  (2012) Displaced and group-based aggression. In J.L. Wood & T.A. Gannon (Eds), Crime and Crime Reduction, Psychology Press (Taylor & Francis Group).
Maxson, C., Hennigan, K. & Sloane, D. (2003)  For the sake of the neighborhood: Civil gang injunctions as a gang intervention tool in Southern California.  In S. Decker (Ed.), Policing Youth Gangs and Violence, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.


Publications for Government Entities

Hennigan, K. M., Kolnick, K., Tian, T., Maxson, C., Poplawski, J. (2010) Five Year Outcomes in a Randomized Trial of a Community-Based Multi-Agency Intensive Supervision Juvenile Probation Program.  National Institute of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. [pdf]
Murray, C.M., Cohen, S., Hennigan, K.M., Kolnick, K. (2009) Juvenile Justice Operational Plan: Blueprint for an Outcome Oriented Juvenile Justice System. Prepared for California State Commission on Juvenile Justice. [pdf]
Hennigan, K.M., Kolnick, K. et al. (2007) Survey of State and County Juvenile Justice Intervention Practices: Phase I Juvenile Justice Data Project Report released April 29, 2007 Posted on Chief Probation Officers of California and California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation websites. [pdf]
Hennigan, K.M., Maxson, C., & Zhang, S. (2005) Self-Reported Outcomes in a randomized trial of community-based Intensive Supervision for Juveniles on Probation, Report to Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Funded by OJJDP. [pdf]
Maxson, C., Hennigan, K., Sloane, D., & Kolnick, K. (2004) Can Civil Gang Injunctions Change Communities? A Community Assessment of the Impact of Civil Gang Injunctions. National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice. [pdf]
Hennigan, K., Maxson, C., Zhang, S., Poplawski, J., Lindsey, L. and Cardenas, H. (2003) An implementation and outcome evaluation of the Youth/Family Accountability Model, report to California Board of Corrections, Sacramento, CA.
Maxson, C., Hennigan, K., and Sloane, D. (2003) “Factors that Influence Public Opinion of the Police.” NIJ Research for Practice. NCJRS (NCJ 197925). Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice. [pdf]
Maxson, C., Hennigan, K., & Sloane, D. (Oct. 2002) Not just a popularity contest: Factors that influence public opinion of the police. Final report to Department of Justice. [pdf]