Jieyu Zhao, Ph.D.
Gabilan Assistant Professor of Computer Science
USC Viterbi School of Engineering
Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science
Email: jieyuz@usc.edu
Jieyu Zhao is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science Department at University of Southern California. Prior to that, she was an NSF Computing Innovation Fellow at University of Maryland, College Park. Jieyu received her Ph.D. from Computer Science Department, UCLA. Her research interest lies in improving fairness of ML/NLP models. Her paper got the EMNLP Best Long Paper Award (2017). She was one of the recipients of 2020 Microsoft PhD Fellowship and has been selected to participate in 2021 Rising Stars in EECS workshop. Her research has been covered by news media such as Wires, The Daily Mail and so on. She was invited by UN-WOMEN Beijing on a panel discussion about gender equality and social responsibility.