We are Recruiting a Ph.D. Student!
The Cnidarian Evolutionary Ecology Lab at the University of Southern California is recruiting a prospective Ph.D. student with interests in the behavioral ecology and neurogenomics of early coral life-history stages for a Fall 2025 start. This position will contribute to the Physiological & Behavioral Neurogenomics research sphere of a newly funded Allen Discovery Center for Neurobiology in Changing Oceans which aims to bridge knowledge gaps about the neurobiology of marine animals in natural settings to enhance our predictive power and ability to intervene. This Center involves multiple investigators and institutions, providing ample networking and career development opportunities. There will also be latitude to develop additional projects within the broader themes of the Center based on the student’s interests.
Skills or experiences that are specifically relevant to the funded research include:
– Experience in the rigors of conducting research at a field station
– Background or strong interest in neurobiology
– Background or strong interest in coral biology/ecology/evolution
– Background or strong interest in larval biology/ecology/physiology
– Ability to work and collaborate with fellow scientists
Prospective candidates must apply to the Marine and Environmental Biology PhD program under the USC College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences. Three years of RA support is available in support of this position as part of the Allen Discovery Center grant in addition to the standard MEB support package. Please visit https://dornsife.usc.edu/meb/prospective-students/ for more details regarding the degree program, stipends, and application process.
If you would like to receive preliminary feedback on your application materials and fit with this position description prior to submitting your full application to the MEB program, please email your CV and statement of purpose to Dr. Kenkel (ckenkel@usc.edu) by October 15.
Code of Conduct
The CEE Lab is proud to uphold an inclusive environment for all team members. In joining our lab you commit to respecting scientists of all ages, sexes, gender identities, sexual orientations, disability status, racial & ethnic identities, religions, nationalities, and socio-economic backgrounds.
We expect our lab members to uphold this standard of inclusivity and to speak out against discrimintation or harassment of any kind.
You also agree to maintain the scientific integrity of research conducted in the CEE Lab. This includes transparency in data acquisition, a commitment to open data sharing, and producing original work.

Carly’s Mentoring Philosophy
Think of me as your science personal trainer. You’re joining the lab with an end goal in mind and my primary objective is to help you reach that goal. I will challenge you, but I will also support you. When you join the lab we’ll develop a mentoring plan that outlines your short, medium and long-term goals, milestones, and plan of action, which we will review together at least twice a year. As you carry out this plan I will advise you and help you to develop your network.
Forms and Deadlines
If you are interested in working with us in the CEE Lab, please follow the guidelines to the right that apply to you. Please note that positions are not always available and are subject to variability. See below for more information on scholarship and fellowship opportunities.
Further Info & Resources
- The Avasthi Lab has a great primer on how to prepare for meetings with your advisor that will serve you well throughout your career.
- At a minimum, be prepared to recap your activities, review your current results clearly and succinctly, and present a plan for next steps.
- BUT don’t wait until our one-on-ones to discuss major questions hindering your progresss. My door is generally open.
- USC Provost’s Research Fellowship
- USC Rose Hills Summer Research Fellowship
- USC SURF Summer Research Fellowship
- NSF REU – travel & stipend funding for summer research project at specific host institution (Ocean Sciences, Biological Sciences)
- NSF GRFP – Funds graduate school – Tips for applying
- USC’s Funding Opportunity Database
- Tips from Erin Mordecai on applying for graduate school
- List of Funded Organismal Biology MSc programs
- NSF GRFP – (pre-candidacy; can only apply once) – Tips for applying
- NOAA Nancy Foster Scholarship Program
- Ford Foundation Fellowship (pre and post-candidacy)
- Hertz Foundation (pre-candidacy)
- NDSEG Fellowship (pre-candidacy)
- DOE SCGSR (funds research at DOE Lab/Facility)
- Fulbright U.S. Students Program (pre-doctoral)
- SERC Fellowships
- PADI Foundation Resarch Fellowships
- Lizard Island Doctoral Fellowships
- National Geographic Society Early Career Grants
- SSE Graduate Research Excellence Grants
- SICB Grants in Aid of Research
- P.E.O. Scholar Awards (Women in Science)
- California P.E.O. Scholar Awards (Women in Science)
- Mariam K. Chamberlain Dissertation Award (Women in Science)
- Switzer Graduate Fellowship
- Rufford Foundation (for conservation work in developing countries)
- Josephine de Karman Fellowship (final year fellowship)
- USC’s Funding Opportunity Database
- Life Sciences Research Foundation Fellowships
- USC – CONACYT Scholars Program
- NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology
- NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Ocean Sciences
- Ford Foundation Fellowship
- David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellowship
- Rufford Foundation (for conservation work in developing countries)
- USC’s Funding Opportunity Database