Finding schools that specialize in the area(s) you are interested in is considered by many to be more critical than the school’s overall ranking.
Why? Because the knowledge and experiences you gain through the program’s specialized curriculum will provide you with unique qualifications other candidates might not possess.
Take time to narrow down the law schools that you are interested in and qualify for.
Click on the following tiles to learn more how to figure out what law schools to apply to.
Compiling your list of law schools to apply to
Once you have explored law schools of interest, start breaking down your list of schools in the following manner:
- “Target schools”: Schools you feel you most likely qualify for based on LSAT, GPA, etc.
- “Reach schools”: Schools that might be a bit of a reach based on your qualification
- “Safety schools”: Schools that you feel you’d safely qualify for
Helpful Videos
Law School 509 Report Explanations
FYI: Uniform Bar Exam (UBE)
As defined by the National Conference of Bar Examiners, “The UBE is designed to test knowledge and skills that every lawyer should be able to demonstrate prior to becoming licensed to practice law. It results in a portable score that can be used to apply for admission in other UBE jurisdictions.”
States that are included in the UBE is important to know.
For example, California is not covered under the UBE which means if you go OUT of California for law school but want to practice in California after law school you need to make sure to take the California State Bar separately.
The law school you attend should be able to help you navigate the bar exam process toward the last year of law school. Click here to explore which states are currently included in the UBE and to find the contact info for each state’s bar examiner office.
Additional resource: Comprehensive Guide to Bar Admission Requirements