Participate in the RAPID Study at USC!

We’re recruiting young adults between the ages of 18-27 for the Regulating Affect and Physiology in Depression (RAPID) Study. Eligible participants will either have a history of depression or no psychiatric history.

Participation in RAPID involves completing a clinical interview, wearing devices and completing questionnaires on your phone, an fMRI scan, and completing computer tasks in the lab while your heart rate and breathing are measured.

Participants will be compensated for participation.

If you are interested in participating or learning more about the study, follow the link below to take our confidential survey:

Participate in the PARC Study at USC!

The CAR lab is recruiting young adults between the ages of 18-30 for the Proximal Affect Regulation and Cognition Study (PARCS). Eligible participants will have experienced thoughts about death or suicide recently.

Participation in PARCS involves completing a clinical interview remotely, wearing devices and completing questionnaires on your phone, and completing computer tasks in the lab while your heart rate and breathing are measured.

Participants will be compensated for participation.

If you are interested in participating or learning more about the study, follow the link below to take our confidential survey:

Seeley G. Mudd Building
3620 McClintock Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90089