Peach, L.J., Zhang, H., Weaver, B.P., and Boedicker J.Q., Assessing spacer acquisition rates in E. coli type 1-E CRISPR arrays, Frontiers in Microbiology, 15, 1498959. link to paper
Weaver, B.P., Zhao, F., Gao, Y., Boedicker, J.Q., and Haselwandter, C.A., The Density of Braun’s Lipoprotein Determines Vesicle Production in E. coli, submitted.
Sun, R., Gangan, M.S., Yuan, J., Wang, Q., Boedicker, J.Q., and Armani, A., Magneto-mechanical hydrogel for biofilm control, submitted.
Guo, X., Lim, S., Bogdan, P., and Boedicker, J.Q., Dynamic switch in the collective behavior of a two-strain microbial community, submitted.
Ostovar, G. and Boedicker, J.Q., Phenotypic memory in quorum sensing, PLoS Computational Biology, 20(7), e1011696, (2024). link to paper
Zhao, F., Niman, C.M., Ostovar, G., Chavez, M.S., Atkinson, J.T., Bonis, B.M., Gralnick, J.A., El-Naggar, M.Y., Boedicker, J.Q., Red-light-induced genetic system for control of extracellular electron transfer, ACS Synthetic Biology, 13(5), 1467-1476, (2024). link to paper
Gangan M.S., Naughton K.L., and Boedicker J.Q., Utilizing a divalent metal ion transporter to control biogenic nanoparticle synthesis, Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 50(1), (2023). link to paper
Weaver, B.P., Haselwandter, C. A., and Boedicker J. Q., Stochastic effects in bacterial communication mediated by extracellular vesicles, Physical Review E, 107 (2), 024409, (2023). link to paper
Shaska, J., Gursoy, M.C., Ross, T.D., Cheng, Y.Y., Krieger, A., Thairu, M., Venturelli, O.S., Boedicker, J., Handelsman, J., and Mitra, U., Microbes as communication & decision-making networked communities, IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine, 17 (3), 32-41, (2023). link to paper
Courcoubetis, G., Gangan, M., Lim, S., Guo, X., Haas, S., Boedicker, J.Q., Formation, collective motion, and merging of macroscopic bacterial aggregates, PLoS Computational Biology, 18(1): e1009153, (2022). link to paper
Gangan, M.S., Vasconcelos, M.M., Mitra, U., Camara, O., Boedicker, J.Q., Intertemporal trade-off between population growth rate and carrying capacity during public good production, iScience, 25(4), 104117, (2022). link to paper
Zhao, F., Chavez, M.S., Naughton, K.L., Niman, C.M., Atkinson, J.T., Gralnick, J.A., El-Naggar, M.Y., Boedicker, J.Q., Light-induced patterning of electroactive bacterial biofilms, ACS Synthetic Biology, 11, 7, 2327-2338, (2022). link to paper
Tran, F., Gangan, M.S., Weaver, B.P., and Boedicker J. Q., Membrane-binding biomolecules influence the rate of vesicle exchange between bacteria, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, e0134622, (2022). link to paper
Boedicker, J.Q., Gangan, M., Naughton, K., Zhao, F., Gralnick, J.A., and El-Naggar, M.Y., Engineering biological electron transfer and redox pathways for nanoparticle synthesis, Bioelectricity, 3(2), 126-135, (2021). link to paper
Naughton, K.L., Boedicker, J.Q., Simulations to aid in the design of microbes for synthesis of metallic nanomaterials, ACS Synthetic Biology, 10, 12, 3475–3488, (2021). link to paper
Ostovar, G., Naughton, K., and Boedicker, J. Q., Computation in bacterial communities, Physical Biology, 17, 061002 (2020). link to paper
Boedicker, J.Q., Multispecies microbial communities and synthetic microbial ecosystems, Biomimetic Microengineering, edited by Hyun Jung Kim, CRC Press (2020).
Silva, K.P.T, and Boedicker, J.Q., A neural network model predicts community-level signaling states in a diverse microbial community, PLoS Computational Biology, 15(6): e1007166, (2019). link to paper
Chellamuthu, P., Naughton, K.L., Pirbadian, S., Silva, K.P.T., Chavez, M., El-Naggar, M.Y., Boedicker, J.Q., Biogenic control of manganese doping in zinc sulfide nanomaterial using Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, Frontiers in Microbiology, 10, 938, (2019). link to paper
Lim S., Guo X., and Boedicker J.Q., Connecting single-cell properties to collective behavior in multiple wild isolates of the Enterobacter cloacae complex, PLoS ONE, 14(4): e0214719, (2019). link to paper
Silva, K.P.T., Yusufaly, T.I., Chellamuthu, P., and Boedicker J.Q., Disruption of microbial communication yields a 2D percolation transition, Physical Review E, 99, 042409, (2019). link to paper
Guo, X., Silva, K.P.T., and Boedicker, J.Q., Single-cell variability of growth interactions within a two-species bacterial community, Physical Biology, 16(3): 036001, (2019). link to paper
Tran, F. and Boedicker J.Q., Plasmid characteristics modulate the propensity of gene exchange in bacterial vesicles, Journal of Bacteriology, 201 (7) e00430-18, (2019). link to paper
Chellamuthu, P., Tran, F., Silva, K.P.T., Chavez, M.S., El Naggar, M., and Boedicker J.Q., Engineering bacteria for biogenic synthesis of chalcogenide nanomaterials, Microbial Biotechonology, 12(1), 161–172, (2019). link to paper
Nazarian, P., Tran, F., and Boedicker, J.Q., Modeling multispecies gene flow dynamics reveals the unique roles of different horizontal gene transfer mechanisms, Frontiers in Microbiology, 9, 2978, (2018). link to paper
Balaban, V., Lim, S., Gupta, G., Boedicker, J.Q., and Bogdan, P., Quantifying emergence and self-organisation of Enterobacter cloacae microbial communities, Scientific Reports, 8, Article number 12416, (2018). link to paper
Silva, K.P., Chellamuthu, P., and Boedicker, J. Q., Quantifying the strength of quorum sensing crosstalk within microbial communities, PLoS Computational Biology, 13(10): e1005809, (2017). link to paper
Yusufaly, T.I. and Boedicker, J.Q., Mapping quorum sensing onto neural networks to understand collective decision making in heterogeneous microbial communities, Physical Biology, vol 14, Number 4, (2017). link to paper
Tran, F. and Boedicker J.Q., Genetic cargo and bacterial species set the rate of vesicle-mediated horizontal gene transfer, Scientific Reports, 7, Article number: 8813 (2017). link to paper
Silva, K.P., Chellamuthu, P., and Boedicker, J.Q., Signal destruction tunes the zone of activation in spatially distributed signaling networks, Biophysical Journal, 112(5), 1037–1044, (2017).link to paper
Guo, X., and Boedicker, J.Q., The Contribution of High-Order Metabolic Interactions to the Global Activity of a Four-Species Microbial Community, PLoS Computational Biology, 12(9): e1005079, (2016).link to paper
Yusufaly, T.I. and Boedicker, J. Q., Spatial dispersal of bacterial colonies induces a dynamical transition from local to global quorum sensing, Physical Review E, 94, 62410, (2016). link to paper
Michelusi, N., Boedicker, J.Q., El-Naggar, M.Y., and Mitra, U., Queuing models for abstracting interactions in bacterial communities, IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications, vol. 34, no. 3, (2016). link to paper
Nealson, K., and Boedicker, J.Q., Microbial communication via quorum sensing, Transactions on Molecular Biological and Multi-scale Communications, vol. 1, no. 4, December (2015). [pdf]
Kreamer, N.N., Phillips, R., Newman, D.K., and Boedicker, J.Q., Predicting the impact of promoter variability on regulatory outputs, Scientific Reports, 5, 18238 (2015). [pdf]
Boedicker, J.Q., Brenner, K., and Weibel, D., Spatial structure of microbes in nature and the biophysics of cell-cell communication, The Physical Basis of Bacterial Quorum Communication, edited by Steve Hagen, Springer (2015).
Razo-Mejia, M., Boedicker, J.Q., Jones, D., Deluna, A., Kinney, J.B., and Phillips, R., Comparison of the theoretical and real-world evolutionary potential of a genetic circuit, Physical Biology 11, 026005 (2014). [pdf]
Boedicker, J.Q., Garcia, H.G., Johnson, S., and Phillips, R., DNA sequence-dependent mechanics and protein-assisted bending in repressor-mediated loop formation, Physical Biology 10, 066005 (2013). [pdf]
Boedicker, J.Q., Garcia, H. G., and Phillips, R., Theoretical and experimental dissection of DNA loop-mediated repression, Physical Review Letters 110, 018101 (2013). [pdf]
*Garcia, H.G., *Sanchez, A., *Boedicker, J.Q., Osborne, M., Gelles, J., Kondev, J., and Phillips, R., Operator sequence alters gene expression independently of transcription factor occupancy in bacteria. Cell Reports 2, 150-161 (2012). (* co-first author) [pdf]
Garcia, H. G., Lee, H. J., Boedicker, J. Q., and Phillips, R., Comparison and calibration of different reporters for quantitative analysis of gene expression. Biophysical Journal 101, 535-544 (2011). [pdf]
Boedicker, J. Q., Vincent, M. E., & Ismagilov, R.F. Microfluidic confinement of single cells of bacteria in small volumes initiates high-density behavior of quorum sensing and growth and reveals its variability. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 48, 5908-5911 (2009). [pdf]
Boedicker, J. Q., Li, L., Kline, T. R. & Ismagilov, R. F. Detecting bacteria and determining their susceptibility to antibiotics by stochastic confinement in nanoliter droplets using plug-based microfluidics. Lab on a Chip 8, 1265-1272 (2008). [pdf]
*Kim, H. J., *Boedicker, J. Q., Choi, J. W. & Ismagilov, R. F. Defined spatial structure stabilizes a synthetic multispecies bacterial community. PNAS 105, 18188-18193 (2008). (* co-first author) [pdf]
Kastrup, C. J., Boedicker, J.Q., Pomerantsev, A.P., Moayeri, M., Bian, Y., Pompano, R.R., Kline, T.R., Sylvestre, P., Shen, F., Leppla, S.H., Tang, W.J., & Ismagilov, R.F. Spatial localization of bacteria controls coagulation of human blood by ‘quorum acting’. Nature Chemical Biology 4, 742-750 (2008). [pdf]
Li, L., Boedicker, J. Q. & Ismagilov, R. F. Using a multijunction microfluidic device to inject substrate into an array of preformed plugs without cross-contamination: Comparing theory and experiments. Analytical Chemistry 79, 2756-2761 (2007). [pdf]
Wood, K. C., Boedicker, J. Q., Lynn, D. M. & Hammond, P. T. Tunable drug release from hydrolytically degradable layer-by-layer thin films. Langmuir 21, 1603-1609 (2005). [pdf]
Santini, C. M. B., Johnson, M. A., Boedicker, J. Q., Hatton, T. A. & Hammond, P. T. Synthesis and bulk assembly behavior of linear-dendritic rod diblock copolymers. Journal of Polymer Science Part A-Polymer Chemistry 42, 2784-2814 (2004). [pdf]
Boedicker Lab
Department of Physics
University of Southern California