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Other Projects
Berelson, W. (SCEC)—Investigation of the origin of grey layers in Santa Barbara Basin sediment cores—flood deposits or tsunamis?
Berelson,W. and L. Yeung (NSF OCE)—Collaborative Research: Clumpy O2 as a tracer for productivity and respiration—3 years.
Berelson, W. and J. Adkins (OCE1220302)- Ocean Acidification – Collaborative Research: Measuring the kinetics of CaCO3 dissolution in seawater using novel isotope labeling, laboratory experiments, and in situ experiments—NSF OCE Funded, 3 years.
Berelson, W. (2010–NSF ANT1029878) Collaborative Research: Continental Shelf diagenesis II: The importance of increasing oceanic hypoxia to coastal iron suppy and the ocean’s iron isotope composition. Three years. NSF ANT Funded
Berelson, W. and Capone, D. (2009–OCE 0934073) Collaborative Research: ETBC: Amazon influence on the Atlantic: Carbon export from Nitrogen fixation by diatom symbioses (ANACONDAS). Three years. NSF OCE Funded
Berelson, W. and F. Corsetti (NASA Astrobiology) A community education and outreach activity: International GeoBiology Summer Course. Four years. NASA Astrobiology Funded
Berelson, W., D. Hammond, M. Prokopenko (2009–OCE 0961207) Collaborative Research: Applying O2/Ar, Delta 17O and 222Rn methodologies to constrain organic carbon productivity in the upper ocean of the ETSP. Three years. NSF OCE Funded
Capone, D., W. Berelson and A. Knapp (2009) Determining N2 fixation in N deficient waters of the Eastern Tropical South Pacific. Three years. NSF OCE0850801