Our group is interested in the properties of interacting classical and quantum many-body systems, with applications in magnetism, superconductivity, and biophysics. We investigate microscopic models using techniques such as renormalization group, quantum Monte Carlo, and exact diagonalization to explore their phase diagrams, dynamics, and thermodynamic response. For example, we have recently applied the Stochastic Series Expansion Method to study field-induced phase transitions in quantum spin liquids, developed optimization algorithms for nano-scale opto-electronic devices, and used BCS theory to investigate unconventional superconductivity in strongly correlated materials. Additionally, the group is exploring quantum dynamics and topological systems, including Floquet topological insulators and impurity-driven quantum dynamics, with a focus on noise-assisted tunneling and hybrid topological phases in open quantum systems. Our research, connected to experimental advances in quantum magnetism, high-temperature and heavy-fermion superconductivity, and nano-photonics, contributes to understanding emergent phenomena in complex quantum environments.

Phase diagram