Mario Saltarelli

Professor Emeritus of Spanish and Portuguese

Center, Institute & Lab Affiliations

  • Boeckmann Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies,


  • B.A. Teaching of Spanish, University od Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
  • Ph.D. General Linguistics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
  • M.A. General Linguistics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
  • Summary Statement of Research Interests

    Professor Saltarelli’s analytical method is characterized by a comparativist approach to the study of language in light of current developments in linguistics theory. His empirical field of research includes the Romance languages and its dialects, with particular attention to Spanish and Italian, as well as Latin and Basque.
    Current research studies the interface relation between syntax and morphology (Case), morphology and paradigms, and phonology and phonetics (duration)in light of minimalsit assumptions about the form of grammar.
    Recent studies:

    -The Quirky Case of participial clauses. In Selected Papers from Going Romance. Ed. by Drijkongen, F. et al.. John Benjamins 2007(with A. Alcazar,in press).
    -A paradigm account of Spanish number. In Optimality-Theretical
    Studies in Spanish Phonology. Ed. by F. Martinez-Gil and S. Colina. Amsterdam: John Benjamins (2006).
    -Durational asymmetries and the theory of quantity. In Romance Languages and Linguistc Theory. Ed. by Geerts, T. et al.. Amsterdam John Benjamins
    -A constraint interaction theory of Italian Raddoppiamento. Language Knowledge and Use. Ed. by Nunez-Cedeno, R., et al.. Amsterdam: John Bejamins. 2003

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