USC Logic Web is an open-access platform designed to introduce users to the study of propositional and quantificational logic with identity. The project began with a donation by the Linda L. Peterson Fund for the Study and Practical Application of Logic. The material is divided into ten units, which consist of a tutorial and a set of interactive problems designed to help consolidate comprehension and mastery of core skills introduced by the tutorial. Solutions to these problems are provided in a separate link.
The first unit introduces the subject matter of logic and motivates the use of a formal framework for the study of validity. The remainder of the course is structured into two main blocks, one on propositional logic and another on quantificational logic. Each part presents the syntax and semantics of the relevant formal language and explains how to translate from English into that framework. A system of natural deduction is introduced for each framework.
USC Logic Web is used as an online companion to PHIL 220g. Introduction to Logic at USC.
The main text has been written with the help of the bookdown package created by Yihui Xie. Bookdown is open-source R package used to create ebooks from R Markdown documents.
The interactive problems are written in markdown and powered by the Carnap platform. This is a free and open software framework designed and maintained by G. Leach-Krouse and J. Ehrlich. The documentation explains how the problems are written and uploaded to the platform. Users receive immediate feedback upon submission, e.g., Carnap will tell them whether the answer is correct and if not, it will in some cases offer some hints.
The visual design of the main text and the interactive problems emulates the style of Edward Tufte, which has implementations in LaTeX and HTML/CSS.
Please feel free to use this anonymous form to submit feedback on the platform, e.g., typos, comments, or suggestions for improvement.
Unit 1
Propositional Logic
Propositional logic accounts for the validity of a wide family of natural language arguments in terms of the behavior of a specific set of sentential operators called propositional connectives.
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Quantificational Logic
Quantificational logic accounts for the validity of an even wider family of natural language arguments in terms of predication and the behavior of quantificational expressions.