Over the past 40 years more than 7,000 students have thrived in the Thematic Option Honors Program, thanks to supporters like you. Your generosity will allow us to provide the resources and experiences that shape some of USC’s most passionate students into informed thinkers, leaders, and citizens.

Do you remember walking into your first CORE lecture, or how daunting it felt to sit down between piles of books to write your first paper – and that magical moment when everything finally came together? How about pondering life’s biggest questions in a classmate’s dorm room over a 2 a.m. slice of pizza, and kicking the flagpole on the way to the Coliseum together the next day? Or perhaps you’re a parent who loved hearing your freshman present original research at the Annual Thematic Option Research Conference.

All of this is still happening for Thematic Option students right now. Each fall, 196 exceptional freshmen begin their USC journeys with T.O., USC’s nationally recognized interdisciplinary honors general education program. These are students who are seeking the same academic rigor, educational opportunities, and intellectual community you were seeking when you joined TO. You can help support current and future students through a gift to the Thematic Option Fund.

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