Yingyi Lin, Ph.D.

My research works to understand how social forces shape family life. My doctoral dissertation, advised by Dr. Emily Smith-Greenaway and Dr. Laura Ferguson, focused on child health disparities in low- and middle-income countries, places that have experienced dramatic social changes–e.g., fertility transition–during the past half a century.
My work has been supported by the American Association of University Women, the American Sociological Association and the Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science. My involvement in various international research projects has led to my motivation in researching how the wellbeing of women and their children are linked to social policies that are often not written by women themselves.
Bachelor of Medical Sciences in Public Health (Preventive Medicine), Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China
Bachelor of Arts in English (Medical English), Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China
Master of Science in Public Health Sciences (Epidemiology), Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada
Peer-reviewed publications
Smith-Greenaway, E., Yingyi Lin, Abigail Weitzman, The Intergenerational Transmission of Health Disadvantage: Can Education Disrupt It?, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 2024 Apr 29:221465241246250; doi: 10.1177/00221465241246250 (2024)
Smith-Greenaway, E., and Yingyi Lin, Is the mortality–fertility nexus gendered? A research note on sex differences in the impact of sibling mortality on fertility preferences, Population Studies, 77:1, 141-151, DOI: 10.1080/00324728.2023.2168036 (2023)
Lin, Y., McGaughey, T., and Wilson, J.P., “Effects of programs and interventions related to the social environment on childhood and adolescent obesity: A systematic search for and scoping review of natural experiments,” Health & Place, vol. 72, 102689 (2021).
Lin, Y., and Mâsse, L.C., “A look at engagement profiles and behavior change: A profile analysis examining engagement with the Aim2Be lifestyle behavior modification app for teens and their families,” Preventive Medicine Reports, vol. 24, 101565 (2021).
Brussoni, M., Han, C.S., Lin, Y., Jacob, J., Pike, I., Bundy, A., Faulkner, G., Gardy, J., Fisher, B., Mâsse, L.C., “A Web-Based and In-Person Risk Reframing Intervention to Influence Mothers’ Tolerance for, and Parenting Practices Associated With, Children’s Outdoor Risky Play: Randomized Controlled Trial,” Journal of Medical Internet Research, vol. 23, no. 4, e24861 (2021).
Lin, Y. et al. “Calibration of the food parenting practice (FPP) item bank: tools for improving the measurement of food parenting practices of parents of 5–12-year-old children.” International Journal of Behavior Nutrition and Physical Activity 17, 140 (2020).
Mâsse, L.C., O’Connor, T.M., Lin, Y. et al. “The physical activity parenting practices (PAPP) item Bank: a psychometrically validated tool for improving the measurement of physical activity parenting practices of parents of 5–12-year-old children.” International Journal of Behavior Nutrition and Physical Activity 17, 134 (2020).
Han, C., Lin, Y., Mâsse, L. C. & Brussoni, M. ‘“There’s kind of a wall I have to stay inside of”: A qualitative understanding of children’s independent mobility range, destination, time and expansion.’ Children, Youth and Environments, 30(2), 97-118 (2020).
Brussoni, M., Lin, Y., Han, C., Janssen, I., Schuurman, N., Boyes, R., Swanlund, D. & Mâsse, L. C. ‘A qualitative investigation of unsupervised outdoor activities for 10- to 13-year-old children: “I like adventuring but I don’t like adventuring without being careful.”’ Journal of Environmental Psychology, 70, 101460 (2020).
Olsen, L. L., Lin, Y., Ishikawa, T., Mâsse, L. C., & Brussoni, M. “Comparison of risk engagement and protection survey (REPS) among mothers and fathers of children aged 6-12 years.” Injury prevention: journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention, 25(5), 438–443 (2019).
Lin, Y., Tremblay, M. S., Katzmarzyk, P. T., Fogelholm, M., Hu, G., Lambert, E. V., Maher C., Maia J., Matsudo V., Olds T., Onywera V., Sarmiento O.L., Standage M., Tudor-Locke C., Zhao P. & Chaput J.P. for the International Study of Childhood Obesity, Lifestyle and the Environment Research Group. “Temporal and bi-directional associations between sleep duration and physical activity/sedentary time in children: An international comparison”. Preventive Medicine, (111), 436-441 (2018).
Lin, Y., Borghese, M. M., & Janssen, I. “Bi-directional association between sleep and outdoor active play among 10–13 year olds.” BMC Public Health, 18(1), 224 (2018).
Borghese, M. M., Lin, Y., Chaput, J. P., & Janssen, I.”Estimating sleep efficiency in 10- to- 13-year-olds using a waist-worn accelerometer.” Sleep Health, 4(1), 110–115 (2018).
Web-based writing
Lin, Y., & Brussoni, M. (2020, July 24). “Nobody is there yet everyone is there.” Children’s perspectives on what makes their neighbourhood enticing for playing outside unsupervised. Outdoor Play Canada. Retrieved from https://www.outdoorplaycanada.ca/2020/07/24/nobody-is-there-yet-everyone-is-there-childrens-perspectives-on- what-makes-their-neighbourhood-enticing-for-playing-outside-unsupervised/