W. M. Berelson, A. J. West, N. E. Rollins, G. Ban-Weiss, J. Kim, J. Ko, K. Gurney and R. C. Cohen. A Large Local Decrease in Los Angeles CO2 Emissions that persists post-COVID-19 Shutdown, Submitted, ES&T, 2021.
Phillips, A. A., D. R. Speth, L. G. Miller, X. T. Wang, F. Wu, P. M. Medeiros, D. R. Monteverde, M. R. Osburn, W. M. Berelson, H. L. Betts, R. S. Wijker, S. W. Mullin, H. A. Johnson, V. J. Orphan, W. W. Fischer, A. L. Sessions (2021) Microbial succession and dynamics in meromictic Mono Lake, CA. Geobiology, 1-21.
Adkins, J., J. Naviaux, A. Subhas, S. Dong, W. Berelson (2021) The dissolution rate ofCaCO3 in the ocean. Ann. Review of Marine Science, 13, 57-80.
Santoro, A. E., C. Buchwald, A. N. Knapp, W. M. Berelson, D. G. Capone and K. L. Casciotti (2020) Nitrification and nitrous oxide production in the offshore waters of the Eastern Tropical South Pacific. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 34, e2020GB006716.
Dong, S., W. Berelson, H. Teng, N. Rollins, S. Pirbadian, M. El-Naggar, J. Adkins (2020) A mechanistic study of carbonic anhydrase enhanced calcite dissolution. Geophys. Res. Letters, 47.
Kemnitz, N., W. Berelson, D. Hammond, L. Morine, M. Figueroa, T. W. Lyons, S. Scharf, N. Rollins, E. Petsios, S. Lemieux and T. Treude (2020). Evidence of changes in sedimentation rate and sediment fabric in a low oxygen setting: Santa Monica Basin, CA. Biogeosciences, 17, 2381-2396.
Dong, S., W. M. Berelson, J. F. Adkins, N. E. Rollins, J. D. Naviaux, S. Pirbadian, M. El-Naggar and H. H. Teng (2019). An atomic force microscopy study of calcite dissolution in sea water. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta., 283, 40-53.
Subhas, A., J. Adkins, S. Dong, N. Rollins and W. Berelson (2019) The carbonicanhydrase activity of sinking and suspended particles in the North Pacific Ocean. Limnology & Oceanography.
Naviaux, J. D., A. V. Subhas, S. Dong, N. E. Rollins, X. Liu, R. Byrne, W. M. Berelson and J. F. Adkins (2019) Calcite dissolution rates in seawater: Lab vs. In-situ measurements and inhibition by organic matter. Marine Chemistry, 215.
Hou, Y., D. E. Hammond, W. M. Berelson, N. Kemnitz, J. F. Adkins and A. Lunstrum (2019) Spatial patterns of benthic silica flux in the North Pacific reflect upper ocean production. Deep Sea Research v. 148, 25-33.
Berelson, W. M., L. Morine, A. Sessions, N. Rollins, J. Fleming and J. Schwalbach (2019) Santa Barbara Basin flood layers: Impact on sediment diagenesis. SEPMSpecial Publication No. 110, p. 233-240.
Dong, S., W. M. Berelson, N. E. Rollins, A. V. Subhas, J. D. Naviaux, A. J. Celestian, Liu, N. Turaga, N. J. Kemnitz, R. H. Byrne and J. F. Adkins (2019) Aragonite dissolution kinetics and calcite/aragonite ratios in sinking and suspended particles in the North Pacific. Earth Planetary Science Letters, 515, 1-12.
Bryant, R. M., Jones, C., Morgan, R., Gomes, M., Berelson, W., Bradley, A., Fike, D. (2019) Sulfur isotope analysis of microcrystalline iron sulfides using SIMS imaging: Extracting local paleo-environmental information from modern and
ancient sediments. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 33: 491-502.
Berelson, W. M., J. McManus, S. Severmann and N. Rollins (2019) Benthic Fluxes from Hypoxia-Influenced Gulf of Mexico Sediments: Impact on Bottom Water
Acidification. Jour. Marine Chemistry, 209.