Andrea Perez
California State University, Long Beach
Pedestrian and Bicycle Collisions go hand in hand with existing available infrastructure. Riverside County has been designed with a car-centric approach, by reviewing collisions and the infrastructure in place it is possible to propose planning solutions to reduce the number of collisions. This project explores collision types in relation to the present bike routes infrastructure and lack thereof. Future urban planning could present a solution for reducing the number of collisions. The presence of better safety infrastructure has the potential to greatly increase the use of bicycle transportation in comparison to the infrastructure that presently exists where bicyclists are forced to ride the shoulder, go around parked vehicles, and complete other dangerous maneuvers to reach their destination. If we can’t ensure responsible driving the least we can do is provide safe infrastructure to protect our residents. The purpose of this project is to use SCAG bike routes data combined with SWITRS data provided by TIMS, UCB to highlight the prevalence of bicycle collisions not only in areas where there are no bike lanes but also the need for better bike lane infrastructure.