Jeannette Martinez
University of Redlands
Through GIS technology, Routing the Rosary site uses geospatial data to explore the patterns, relationships, and geographic contexts of rosary iconography. Demonstrating the influence of rosary manuals on Italian compositions, Routing the Rosary first discusses the role of early Confraternities of the Rosary in promulgating the devotion through Rosary manuals, helping users understand the roots of this religious iconography. The website then invites users to explore a digital gallery featuring a captivating collection of sixteenth-century paintings on the Madonna of the Rosary. The site demonstrates how to closely examine the paintings in the gallery and critically inspect aspects of each work, especially the depictions of the mysteries.
This application of GIS demonstrates how art historians and scholars in the humanities can use GIS to reveals patterns and connections that have been overlooked. In this research, it enhanced our understanding of how religious and artistic practices connected across geography. This StoryMap prompts scholars to address new topics related to cultural that can be seen once information is presented within geographical context.