- Fulbright Specialist Grant in Information Technology at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, December 8, 2012-January 7, 2013.
- NSF Grant DMS-0803378.
Date of award: June 9, 2008.
Title: Stochastic Partial Differential Equations: Theory and Applications.
- NSF CAREER award DMS-0237724.
Date of award: February 28, 2003.
Title: Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications.
- Sloan Research Fellowship.
Dates of Award: September 16, 2002 through September 15, 2004.
- ARO grant DAAD19-02-1-0374 (Co-PI with B. Rozovskii).
Dates of award: September 1, 2002 through August 31, 2005. Title: Numerical Methods and Statistical Inference for Complex Stochastic Systems.
- Research contract “Target Scene Resolution and Calibration”, Scientific Systems Company, Inc. (Sub-contract for Army STTR Phase I under contract W9113M-04-P-0146.)
Dates of Award: August 19, 2004 through February 18, 2005.
- NSF Grant DMS-9972016.
Dates of Award: July 01, 1999 through February 28, 2002.
Title: Boundary Value Problems for Stochastic Parabolic Equations.
- NRC COBASE Travel Grant.
Dates of Award: February 1, 2003 through August 31, 2003.
- Travel Grant to attend Fifteenth International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, University of Notre Dame, August 12-16, 2002.
- Travel Grant to attend the conference in honor of Harry Kesten, Cornell University, June 27-July 1, 1998.
- Master of Science (Physics) Diploma with Honors, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 1992.