Zachary Mann

Program Specialist
Zachary Mann
Pronouns He / Him / His Email


Zachary M. Mann holds a PhD in English Literature at USC, where he also earned certificates in Visual Studies and Digital Media & Culture. His research focused on the history of punch card systems and intellectual labor, from eighteenth-century France to the heyday of IBM computers. While in a doctoral program, Zach’s work was supported by a Mellon Humanities in a Digital World fellowship and a Mellon Council for European Studies fellowship, and his writing on technology, literature, and film has been published in The Wordsworth CircleCelebrity StudiesBritish Literature and Technology, 1600-1830, and elsewhere. He has previously served in administrative roles for the Consortium for the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine, USC’s Humanities and Critical Code Studies Lab, the Los Angeles Review of Books, and The Offing.


  • Ph.D. English, University of Southern California, 5/2022
  • MFA , Calif St Univ Long Beach, 5/2014
  • BA , Univ Calif Berkeley, 5/2006
  • Other Employment

    • Associate Director, Levan Institute for the Humanities, University of Southern California, 01/1970