Tu-Nan Chang

Email tnchang@usc.edu
- Ph.D. Physics, University of California, Riverside, 1972
- M.S. Physics, University of California, Riverside, 1970
- Research associate, University of Chicago, 09/01/1973 – 08/15/1975
- Research associate, University of California, Riverside, 1972-1973
Tenure Track Appointments
- Professor, University of Southern California, 09/01/1988 –
- Associate Professor, University of Southern California, 09/01/1981 – 08/31/1988
- Assistant Professor, University of Southern California, 09/01/1975 – 08/31/1981
PostDoctoral Appointments
- Research Associate, University of Chicago, 09/01/1973 – 08/15/1975
- Research Associate, University of California, Riverside, 1972-1973
Visiting and Temporary Appointments
- Distinguished Professor, National Tsinghua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 12/01/2004 – 08/31/2006
- Director, National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 12/01/2004 – 08/31/2006
- Divisional Head, Physics Division, National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 12/01/2004 – 08/31/2006
- Distinguished Professor, National Central University. Chungli, Taiwan, 01/01/2004 – 11/30/2004
- Visiting Professor, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, 01/01/1991 – 08/01/1991
- Visiting Professor, National Central University, 09/01/1982 – 08/31/1983
- Visiting Professor, University of Paris-Sud, France, 07/01/1983 – 08/01/1983
Summary Statement of Research Interests
Professor Chang studies the strong multi-electron interactions in atomic transitions dominated by multiple excitations in complex atoms. In addition to his continuous efforts on the development of general theoretical formalism related to atomic structure theory, he has also made considerable progress in the development of the state-of-art computational techniques suitable for applications on the most powerful high speed computers.
Conference Presentations
- B-spline approaches in atomic structure theory Lecture/Seminar, Invited, Institute of Applied Physics and Computation Mathematics, Beijing, 2008-2009
- Column density and temperature effects to photoionization and photoabsorption spectral profile , China-Japan Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Processes in PlasmaTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Xian, China, 2008-2009
- Spin-mixed doubly excited resonances in Ca and Sr spectra , International Conference on physics education and frontier physics, August 3-7, 2009Talk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Lanzhou, China, 2008-2009
- A number of B-spline approaches in atomic physics , Symposium – Tribute to Professor Walter JohnsonTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Notre Dame University, 2007-2008
- Column density effect in photoionization and photoabsorption spectra , APS – DAMOP annual meetingPoster, College Stattion, PA, 2007-2008
- Absolute Photoabsorption Cross Section of He 3- Resonance , International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier ResearchTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Taipei, Taiwan, 2006-2007
- B-spline-based Complex-rotation Method with Spin-dependent Interaction for Atomic Photoionization , International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier ResearchTalk/Oral Presentation, Overseas Chinese Physics Association, Invited, Taipei, Taiwan, 2006-2007
- Core-excitation effects on atomic transitions , 7th Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular PhysicsTalk/Oral Presentation, Invited, Chennai, India, 2006-2007
- Core-excitation effects on oscillator strengths for transitions in four electron atomic systems , American Physical Society (APS) annual meeting – Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optics PhysicsPoster, APS, Calgary, Canada, 2006-2007
- High resolution pulsed ionization multiphoton spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation and laser , International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier ResearchTalk/Oral Presentation, Overseas Chinese Physics Association, Invited, Taipei, Taiwan, 2006-2007
Book Chapters
- Chen, w. (2000). W. J. Chen, T. K. Fang, Y. K. Ho, C. K. Ni, A. H. Kung, T. S. Yih, H. S. Fung, C. C. Chu, H. H. Wu, and T. N. Chang, Synchrotron Radiation/Lasers and Doubly-excited Atoms, in Recent Advances and Cross-Century Outlooks in Physics, edited by P. Chen and C. Y. Wong (World Scientific, Singapore, 2000), p 173-90.
- Chang, T. (1993). T. N. Chang, Many-body Theory of Atomic Structure and Photoionization (World Scientific, Singapore, 1993), p. 213-247.
Journal Article
- Luo, J., Yih, T., Luo, Y., Fung, H., Lee, Y., Chang, T. (2009). J. L. Luo, T. S. Yih, Y. X. Luo, H. S. Fung, Y. Y. Lee, and T. N. Chang, Column density and temperature effects on narrow resonance structure in photoionization and photoabsorption, submitted to Phys. Rev. A. Physical Review A.
- Chen, J., Fang, T., Chu, C., Yih, T., Chang, T. (2009). J. H. Chen, T. K. Fang, C. C. Chu, T. S. Yih, and T. N. Chang, Spin-mixed Doubly Excited Resonances in Ca and Sr Spectra, Phys. Rev. A80, 042509 (2009). Physical Review A. Vol. 80, pp. 042509.
- Chang, T., Luo, Y. (2007). T. N. Chang and Yuxiang Luo, Core-excitation effects to atomic transitions, J. Phys. Conf. Series, v. 80, 012002 (2007), 17 pages. Journal of Physics Conference Series. Vol. 80, pp. 012002 (17 oages).
- Fang, T., Chang, T. (2007). T. K. Fang and T. N. Chang, B-spline-based complex rotation method with spin-dependent interactions, Phys. Rev. A76, 012721 (2007). Physical Review A. Vol. 76, pp. 012721.
- Chang, T. (2006). T. N. Chang, Institute Report: The National Center for Theoretical Sciences, AAPPS Bulletin, V, 16, pp 24-28 (2006). AAPPS Bulletin/Association of Asia Pacific Physical Society. Vol. V.16 (No 1 pp.24-28)
- Chang, T., Fang, T. (2004). T. N. Chang and T. K. Fang, Multiple excitation in photoionization using B-splines, Radiation Physics and Chemistry 70, 173-190, 2004. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 70, pp. 173-190.
- Chen, W., Fang, T., Chang, T., Yih, T., Ni, C., Kung, A. (2002). W. J. Chen, et al, The 3snd^1D to the 2png^1F autoionization resonances of Mg, Phys. Rev. A65, 032717 (2002). Phys. Rev. A. Vol. 65, pp. 032717.
- Fung, H. (2001). H. S. Fung, H. H. Wu, T. S. Yih, T. K. Fung, and T. N. Chang, Photabsorption of Mg above the 3p threshold, Phys. Rev. A64, 052716 (2001). Physical Review A. Vol. 64, pp. 052716.
- Chang, T. (2001). T. N. Chang, X. Y. Luo, H. S. Fung, and T. S. Yih Deconvolution of Atomic Photoabsorption Spectra: a match between theory and experiment , J. Chinese Chem. Soc., Vol. 48, 347 (2001). J. Chinese Chem. Soc.. Vol. 48, pp. 347.
- Distinguished Service Award, Overseas Chinese Physics Association, 2006
- Fellow (or Equivalent) of National Society in Discipline, Fellow, Physical Society of Republic of China, 2006
- Outstanding Service Award, Chinese American Faculty Association of Southern California , 2002
- Distinguished Faculty Service Award, USC Academic Senate, 2000
- Outstanding Achievement Award, Chinese American Faculty Association of Southern California, 1998
- USC Raubenheimer Outstanding Senior Faculty Award, 1998
- Fellow (or Equivalent) of National Society in Discipline, Fellow, American Physical Society, 1989
Office Hours
- Tu & Th : 11:30 am – 12:30 pm and 4-5 pm
- Tu Th : 5:30 – 7 pm (Tu), 2-3:30 pm (Th)
- M, W : 11:30-1 pm
- M W : 11-1 pm
- W F : 4-5:30 pm (W) and 2-3:30 pm (F)
- Member, Academic Senate, 07/01/2009 –
- Member, Honorary Degree Committee, 07/01/2007 –
- Member, University Committee on Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure, 07/01/2007 –
- Member, College Faculty Council, 07/01/2007 –
Review Panels
- National Science Council, Taiwan, External Advisory Committee for the National Center for Theoreticl Science, 12/01/2009 – 12/31/2009
- National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Taiwan, Performance Evaluation Panel, 08/01/2006 – 12/31/2008
Other Service to the Profession
- Member, Executive Council, Overseas Chinese Physics Association, 01/01/2008 –
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