Tsu-Pei Chiu

Visiting Assistant Professor (Teaching) of Quantitative and Computational Biology
Tsu-Pei Chiu
Email tsupeich@usc.edu Office RRI 413J
    • (Spring 2024) QBIO 401. Introduction to Computational Analysis of Biological Data, TTh 09:30am – 10:50am, RRI 421
    • (Spring 2024) QBIO 499. Special Topics, TTh 12:30pm – 01:50pm, RRI 421
    • (Fall 2024) QBIO 481. Structural Bioinformatics: From Atoms to Cells, TTh 11:00am – 12:20pm, RRI101
    • (Fall 2024) QBIO 593. Practicum in Teaching Quantitative and Computational Biology, T 12:30pm – 02:10pm, RRI301
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