Stephen Bradforth

Stephen Bradforth earned his PhD at the University of California, Berkeley in 1992 and carried out postdoctoral research at the University of Chicago. Hestarted his independent career at USC in 1996 at the Department of Chemistry. As a physical chemist, his lab designs experiments to gain a deeper understanding of how the inter-connected motions of molecules impact chemical reactions in complex but frequently encountered environments such as the aqueous milieu of cells or in functional molecular materials. His research applies ultrafast laser techniques to address contemporary scientific challenges such as UV damage to DNA, photochemistry, mechanisms for solar energy harvesting and condensed phase ionization and is funded by NSF, DOE and ONR. His honors include a Packard Fellowship in Science and Engineering and a Cottrell Scholarship and STAR award from the Research Corporation for Scientific Advancement. He is Fellow of the American Physical Society, the Royal Society of Chemistry and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
At USC, he has led the physical and theoretical chemistry section, and then served as vice chair (2013-4) and then department chair (2014-6). As divisional dean, first for the Natural Sciences and Mathematics (2017-2020) and then for the Physical Sciences and Mathematics (2020-1), Bradforth coordinated strategic planning, faculty appointments and research advancement within the USC Dornsife Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. He is currently Senior Advisor to the Dean in the Dornsife College responsible for Research Startegy and Development.
- Ph.D. Physical Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, 1/1992
- M.A. Natural Sciences, Cambridge University, 1/1987
- Postdoctoral Associate, University of Chicago, 02/01/1993 – 07/31/1996
Tenure Track Appointments
- Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Southern California, 04/01/2008 –
- Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Southern California, 05/01/2002 – 03/31/2008
- Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Southern California, 08/01/1996 – 05/01/2002
Summary Statement of Research Interests
The research in the Bradforth group centers on understanding the ultrafast dynamics of chemical reactions in solution and in complex condensed phase systems such as nucleic Acids and polymers. The common strand in our experiments is to explore the coupling of reactive transformations to the dynamics of the environment. The time scales for reactive processes such as bond breaking or non-adiabatic transformations are on the order of 100 fs; likewise the timescales of solvent or other surrounding motions are 10 fs – 1 ps. In a condensed environment, this allows only a short time window to explore the system evolution and catch the newly-formed products before complete relaxation. Femtosecond spectroscopy is therefore the appropriate experimental technique to elucidate the dynamics. Systems of interest extend from ionic solutes in water, radiation chemistry of pure water and aqueous systems, solar energy harvesting and conversion, and the mechanisms of deactivation and damage of DNA after UV exposure .
Research Keywords
Ultrafast dynamics of chemical reactions in solution, photodetachment and photodissociation, light harvesting and solar energy conversion systems, mechanisms of DNA UV photodamage, photoionization and dosimetry
Journal Article
- Zhang, Y., Oliver, T. A., Ashfold, M. N., Bradforth, S. E. (2012). Contrasting the excited state reaction pathways of phenol and para-methylthiophenol in the gas and liquid phases. Faraday Discussions. Vol. 157, pp. submitted.
- Whited, M. T., Patel, N. M., Roberts, S. T., Allen, K., Djurovich, P. I., Bradforth, S. E., Thompson, M. E. (2012). Symmetry-Breaking Intramolecular Charge Transfer in the Excited State of meso-Linked BODIPY Dyads. Chemical Communications. Vol. 48, pp. 284-286.
- Roberts, S. T., McAnally, R. E., Mastron, J. N., Webber, D. H., Whited, M. T., Brutchey, R. L., Thompson, M. E., Bradforth, S. E. (2012). Efficient Singlet Fission Discovered in a Disordered Acene Film. Journal of the American Chemical Society. pp. submitted.
- Nadeau, J. L., Carlini, L., Suffern, D., Ivanova, O., Bradforth, S. E. (2012). Effects of beta-Mercaptoethanol on Quantum Dot Emission Evaluated from Photoluminescence Decays. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 116, pp. 2728???2739.
- Greaney, M., Das, S., Webber, D. H., Bradforth, S. E., Brutchey, R. L. (2012). Improving Open Circuit Potential in Hybrid P3HT:CdSe Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells via Colloidal tert-Butylthiol Ligand Exchange. ACS Nano. pp. submitted.
- Ghosh, D., Roy, A., Seidel, R., Winter, B., Bradforth, S. E., Krylov, A. I. (2012). A first-principle protocol for calculating ionization energies and redox potentials of solvated molecules and ions: Theory and application to aqueous phenol and phenolate. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. pp. submitted.
- Marsarlek, O., Frigato, T., VandeVondele, J., Bradforth, S. E., Schmidt, B., Schutte, C., Jungwirth, P. (2011). Hydrogen forms in water by proton transfer to a distorted electron. Journal of Chemical Physics. Vol. 135, pp. 224510(1-14).
- Roberts, S. T., Schlenker, C. W., Barlier, V., McAnally, R. E., Zhang, Y., Mastron, J. N., Thompson, M. E., Bradforth, S. E. (2011). Observation of Triplet Exciton Formation in a Platinum-Sensitized Organic Photovoltaic Device. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters/American Chemical Society. Vol. 2 (December 21, 2010), pp. 48-54.
- Chen, X., Larsen, D. S., Bradforth, S. E., van Stokkum, I. H. (2011). Broadband spectral probing revealing ultrafast photochemical branching after ultraviolet excitation of the aqueous phenolate anion. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. (January 4, 2011), pp. ASAP.
- Whited, M. T., Djurovich, P. I., Roberts, S. T., Durrell, A. C., Schlenker, C. W., Bradforth, S. E., Thompson, M. E. (2010). Singlet and Triplet Excitation Management in a Bichromophoric NIR-Phosphorescent BODIPY-Benzoporphyrin Platinum Complex. Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 133 (1), pp. 88-96.
- Rivera, C. A., Bradforth, S. E., Tempea, G. (2010). Gires-Tournois interferometer type negative dispersion mirrors for deep ultraviolet pulse compression. Optics Express/OSA. Vol. 18 (18), pp. 18615-18624.
- Ottosson, N., Faubel, M., Bradforth, S. E., Jungwirth, P., Winter, B. (2010). Photoelectron spectroscopy of liquid water and aqueous solution: Electron effective attenuation lengths and emission-angle anisotropy. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena. Vol. 177 (2-3), pp. 60-70.
- Marsalek, O., Frigato, T., VandeVondele, J., Bradforth, S. E., Schmidt, B., Schutte, C., Jungwirth, P. (2010). Hydrogen forms in water by proton transfer to a distorted electron. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Vol. 114, pp. 915???920.
- Cooper, D., Dumas, E., Carlini, L., Gao, C., Suffern, D., Bradforth, S. E., Nadeau, J. L. (2010). Interfacial charge transfer between CdTe quantum dots and Gram negative vs. Gram positive bacteria. Environmental Science and Technology. Vol. 44 (4), pp. 1464-1470.
- Ottosson, N., Faubel, M., Bradforth, S. E., Jungwirth, P., Winter, B. (2009). Photoelectron spectroscopy of liquid water and aqueous solution: Electron effective attenuation lengths and emission-angle anisotropy. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena.
- Fomina, N., Bradforth, S. E., Hogen-Esch, T. E. (2009). Synthesis and Spectroscopy of Poly(9,9-dihexylfluorene-2,7-diyl-co-9,9-dihexylfluorene-3,6-diyl)s and Their Model Oligomers. Macromolecules. Vol. 42, pp. 6440-6447.
- Pieniazek, P. A., Sundstrom, E. J., Bradforth, S. E., Krylov, A. I. (2009). The degree of initial hole localization/delocalization in ionized water clusters. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. Vol. 113, pp. 4423-4429.
- Alfaraidi, A. M., Schaab, J., McClure, E. T., Kellogg, M., Hodgkins, T. L., Idris, M., Bradforth, S. E., Melot, B. C., Thompson, M. E., Djurovich,Alfaraidi, P. I., Schaab, J., McClure, E. T., Kellogg, M., Hodgkins, T. L., Idris, M., Bradforth, S. E., Melot, B. C., Thompson, M. E., Djurovich,Alfaraidi, P. I., Schaab, J., McClure, E. T., Kellogg, M., Hodgkins, T. L., Idris, M., Bradforth, S. E., Melot, B. C., Thompson, M. E., Djurovich, P. I.Temperature dependence of radiative and non-radiative decay in the luminescence of one-dimensional pyridinium lead halide hybrids. Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP. Vol. 25 (33), pp. 21993-22001. PubMed Web Address
- Crans, K. D., Bain, M., Bradforth, S. E., Oron, D., Kazes, M., Brutchey,Crans, R. L., Bain, M., Bradforth, S. E., Oron, D., Kazes, M., Brutchey,Crans, R. L., Bain, M., Bradforth, S. E., Oron, D., Kazes, M., Brutchey, R. L.The surface chemistry of ionic liquid-treated CsPbBr3 quantum dots. The Journal of chemical physics. Vol. 158 (17) PubMed Web Address
- Bradforth, S., Nathanson, G., Seidel,Bradforth, R. ,., Nathanson, G., Seidel,Bradforth, R. ,., Nathanson, G., Seidel, R.Liquids in Vacuum: A Contradiction that Launched a Thousand Experiments. Accounts of chemical research. Vol. 56 (6), pp. 623-624. PubMed Web Address
- Estergreen, L., Mencke, A. R., Cotton, D. E., Korovina, N. V., Michl, J., Roberts, S. T., Thompson, M. E., Bradforth,Estergreen, S. E., Mencke, A. R., Cotton, D. E., Korovina, N. V., Michl, J., Roberts, S. T., Thompson, M. E., Bradforth, S. E.Controlling Symmetry Breaking Charge Transfer in BODIPY Pairs. Accounts of chemical research. Vol. 55 (11), pp. 1561-1572. PubMed Web Address
- Bhattacharyya, D., Zhang, Y., Elles, C. G., Bradforth,Bhattacharyya, S. E., Zhang, Y., Elles, C. G., Bradforth, S. E.Electronic Structure of Liquid Alkanes: A Representative Case of Liquid Hexanes and Cyclohexane Studied Using Polarization-Dependent Two-Photon Absorption Spectroscopy. The journal of physical chemistry. A. Vol. 125 (36), pp. 7988-7999. PubMed Web Address
- Mason, P. E., Schewe, H. C., Buttersack, T., Kostal, V., Vitek, M., McMullen, R. S., Ali, H., Trinter, F., Lee, C., Neumark, D. M., Thürmer, S., Seidel, R., Winter, B., Bradforth, S. E., Jungwirth,Mason, P. ,., Schewe, H. C., Buttersack, T., Kostal, V., Vitek, M., McMullen, R. S., Ali, H., Trinter, F., Lee, C., Neumark, D. M., Thürmer, S., Seidel, R., Winter, B., Bradforth, S. E., Jungwirth, P.Spectroscopic evidence for a gold-coloured metallic water solution. Nature. Vol. 595 (7869), pp. 673-676. PubMed Web Address
- Cox, J. M., Bain, M., Kellogg, M., Bradforth, S. E., Lopez,Cox, S. A., Bain, M., Kellogg, M., Bradforth, S. E., Lopez, S. A.Role of the Perfluoro Effect in the Selective Photochemical Isomerization of Hexafluorobenzene. Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 143 (18), pp. 7002-7012. PubMed Web Address
- Buttersack, T., Mason, P. E., McMullen, R. S., Schewe, H. C., Martinek, T., Brezina, K., Crhan, M., Gomez, A., Hein, D., Wartner, G., Seidel, R., Ali, H., Thürmer, S., Marsalek, O., Winter, B., Bradforth, S. E., Jungwirth,Buttersack, P. ,., Mason, P. E., McMullen, R. S., Schewe, H. C., Martinek, T., Brezina, K., Crhan, M., Gomez, A., Hein, D., Wartner, G., Seidel, R., Ali, H., Thürmer, S., Marsalek, O., Winter, B., Bradforth, S. E., Jungwirth, P.Photoelectron spectra of alkali metal-ammonia microjets: From blue electrolyte to bronze metal. Science (New York, N.Y.). Vol. 368 (6495), pp. 1086-1091. PubMed Web Address
- Gozem, S., Seidel, R., Hergenhahn, U., Lugovoy, E., Abel, B., Winter, B., Krylov, A. I., Bradforth,Gozem, S. E., Seidel, R., Hergenhahn, U., Lugovoy, E., Abel, B., Winter, B., Krylov, A. I., Bradforth, S. E.Probing the Electronic Structure of Bulk Water at the Molecular Length Scale with Angle-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy. The journal of physical chemistry letters. Vol. 11 (13), pp. 5162-5170. PubMed Web Address
- Buttersack, T., Mason, P. E., Jungwirth, P., Schewe, H. C., Winter, B., Seidel, R., McMullen, R. S., Bradforth,Buttersack, S. E., Mason, P. E., Jungwirth, P., Schewe, H. C., Winter, B., Seidel, R., McMullen, R. S., Bradforth, S. E.Deeply cooled and temperature controlled microjets: Liquid ammonia solutions released into vacuum for analysis by photoelectron spectroscopy. The Review of scientific instruments. Vol. 91 (4), pp. 043101. PubMed Web Address
- Bhattacharyya, D., Mizuno, H., Rizzuto, A. M., Zhang, Y., Saykally, R. J., Bradforth,Bhattacharyya, S. E., Mizuno, H., Rizzuto, A. M., Zhang, Y., Saykally, R. J., Bradforth, S. E.New Insights into the Charge-Transfer-to-Solvent Spectrum of Aqueous Iodide: Surface versus Bulk. The journal of physical chemistry letters. Vol. 11 (5), pp. 1656-1661. PubMed Web Address
- Greaney, M. J., Joy, J., Combs, B. A., Das, S., Buckley, J. J., Bradforth, S. E., Brutchey,Greaney, R. L., Joy, J., Combs, B. A., Das, S., Buckley, J. J., Bradforth, S. E., Brutchey, R. L.Effects of interfacial ligand type on hybrid P3HT:CdSe quantum dot solar cell device parameters. The Journal of chemical physics. Vol. 151 (7), pp. 074704. PubMed Web Address
- Bhattacharyya, D., Zhang, Y., Elles, C. G., Bradforth,Bhattacharyya, S. E., Zhang, Y., Elles, C. G., Bradforth, S. E.Electronic Structure of Liquid Methanol and Ethanol from Polarization-Dependent Two-Photon Absorption Spectroscopy. The journal of physical chemistry. A. Vol. 123 (27), pp. 5789-5804. PubMed Web Address
- Hamze, R., Shi, S., Kapper, S. C., Muthiah, D. S., Estergreen, L., Jung, M. C., Tadle, A. C., Haiges, R., Djurovich, P. I., Peltier, J. L., Jazzar, R., Bertrand, G., Bradforth, S. E., Thompson, M. E.”Quick-Silver” from a Systematic Study of Highly Luminescent, Two-Coordinate, d(10) Coinage Metal Complexes. Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 141 (21), pp. 8616-8626. PubMed Web Address
- Kellogg, M., Akil, A., Muthiah, D. S., Estergreen, L., Bradforth, S. E., Thompson, M. E.Symmetry breaking charge transfer as a means to study electron transfer with no driving force. Faraday discussions. Vol. 216 (0), pp. 379-394. PubMed Web Address
- Buttersack, T., Mason, P. E., McMullen, R. S., Martinek, T., Brezina, K., Hein, D., Ali, H., Kolbeck, C., Schewe, C., Malerz, S., Winter, B., Seidel, R., Marsalek, O., Jungwirth, P., Bradforth, S. E.Valence and Core-Level X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of a Liquid Ammonia Microjet. Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 141 (5), pp. 1838-1841. PubMed Web Address
- Kumar, G., Roy, A., McMullen, R. S., Kutagulla, S., Bradforth, S. E.The influence of aqueous solvent on the electronic structure and non-adiabatic dynamics of indole explored by liquid-jet photoelectron spectroscopy. Faraday discussions. Vol. 212 (0), pp. 359-381. PubMed Web Address
- Korovina, N. V., Joy, J., Feng, X., Feltenberger, C., Krylov, A. I., Bradforth, S. E., Thompson, M. E.Linker-Dependent Singlet Fission in Tetracene Dimers. Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 140 (32), pp. 10179-10190. PubMed Web Address
- Das, S., Thornbury, W. G., Bartynski, A. N., Thompson, M. E., Bradforth, S. E.Manipulating Triplet Yield through Control of Symmetry-Breaking Charge Transfer. The journal of physical chemistry letters. Vol. 9 (12), pp. 3264-3270. PubMed Web Address
- Kudinov, K. A., Cooper, D. R., Ha, J. K., Hill, C. K., Nadeau, J. L., Seuntjens, J. P., Bradforth, S. E.Scintillation Yield Estimates of Colloidal Cerium-Doped LaF(3) Nanoparticles and Potential for “Deep PDT”. Radiation research. Vol. 190 (1), pp. 28-36. PubMed Web Address
- Roy, A., Seidel, R., Kumar, G., Bradforth, S. E.Exploring Redox Properties of Aromatic Amino Acids in Water: Contrasting Single Photon vs Resonant Multiphoton Ionization in Aqueous Solutions. The journal of physical chemistry. B. Vol. 122 (14), pp. 3723-3733. PubMed Web Address
- McAnally, R. E., Bender, J. A., Estergreen, L., Haiges, R., Bradforth, S. E., Dawlaty, J. M., Roberts, S. T., Rury, A. S.Defects Cause Subgap Luminescence from a Crystalline Tetracene Derivative. The journal of physical chemistry letters. Vol. 8 (24), pp. 5993-6001. PubMed Web Address
- Pham, T. A., Govoni, M., Seidel, R., Bradforth, S. E., Schwegler, E., Galli, G.Electronic structure of aqueous solutions: Bridging the gap between theory and experiments. Science advances. Vol. 3 (6), pp. e1603210. PubMed Web Address
- Bass, K. K., Estergreen, L., Savory, C. N., Buckeridge, J., Scanlon, D. O., Djurovich, P. I., Bradforth, S. E., Thompson, M. E., Melot, B. C.Vibronic Structure in Room Temperature Photoluminescence of the Halide Perovskite Cs(3)Bi(2)Br(9). Inorganic chemistry. Vol. 56 (1), pp. 42-45. PubMed Web Address
- Seidel, R., Winter, B., Bradforth, S. E.Valence Electronic Structure of Aqueous Solutions: Insights from Photoelectron Spectroscopy. Annual review of physical chemistry. Vol. 67, pp. 283-305. PubMed Web Address
- Oliver, T. A., Zhang, Y., Roy, A., Ashfold, M. N., Bradforth, S. E.Exploring Autoionization and Photoinduced Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer Pathways of Phenol in Aqueous Solution. The journal of physical chemistry letters. Vol. 6 (20), pp. 4159-64. PubMed Web Address
- Korovina, N. V., Das, S., Nett, Z., Feng, X., Joy, J., Haiges, R., Krylov, A. I., Bradforth, S. E., Thompson, M. E.Singlet Fission in a Covalently Linked Cofacial Alkynyltetracene Dimer. Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 138 (2), pp. 617-27. PubMed Web Address
- Bradforth, S. E., Miller, E. R., Dichtel, W. R., Leibovich, A. K., Feig, A. L., Martin, J. D., Bjorkman, K. S., Schultz, Z. D., Smith, T. L.University learning: Improve undergraduate science education. Nature. Vol. 523 (7560), pp. 282-4. PubMed Web Address
- Bartynski, A. N., Gruber, M., Das, S., Rangan, S., Mollinger, S., Trinh, C., Bradforth, S. E., Vandewal, K., Salleo, A., Bartynski, R. A., Bruetting, W., Thompson, M. E.Symmetry-breaking charge transfer in a zinc chlorodipyrrin acceptor for high open circuit voltage organic photovoltaics. Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 137 (16), pp. 5397-405. PubMed Web Address
- Schroeder, , Oxidation half-reaction of aqueous nucleosides and nucleotides via photoelectron spectroscopy augmented by ab initio calculations. Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 137 (1), pp. 201-9. PubMed Web Address
- Nuclear uptake of ultrasmall gold-doxorubicin conjugates imaged by fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) and electron microscopy. Nanoscale. Vol. 7 (1), pp. 240-51. PubMed Web Address
- Symmetry-Breaking Charge Transfer of Visible Light Absorbing Systems: Zinc Dipyrrins. The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces. Vol. 118 (38), pp. 21834-21845. PubMed Web Address
- Photoluminescence of cerium fluoride and cerium-doped lanthanum fluoride nanoparticles and investigation of energy transfer to photosensitizer molecules. Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP. Vol. 16 (24), pp. 12441-53. PubMed Web Address
- Chalcogenol ligand toolbox for CdSe nanocrystals and their influence on exciton relaxation pathways. ACS nano. Vol. 8 (3), pp. 2512-21. PubMed Web Address
- Tribute to Curt Wittig. The journal of physical chemistry. A. Vol. 117 (46), pp. 11605-7. PubMed Web Address
- Photoelectron angular distributions from liquid water: effects of electron scattering. Physical review letters. Vol. 111 (17), pp. 173005. PubMed Web Address
- Direct spectroscopic evidence of ultrafast electron transfer from a low band gap polymer to CdSe quantum dots in hybrid photovoltaic thin films. Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 135 (49), pp. 18418-26. PubMed Web Address
- Exploring the energy disposal immediately after bond-breaking in solution: the wavelength-dependent excited state dissociation pathways of para-methylthiophenol. The journal of physical chemistry. A. Vol. 117 (46), pp. 12125-37. PubMed Web Address
- Aqueous colloidal acene nanoparticles: a new platform for studying singlet fission. The journal of physical chemistry. B. Vol. 117 (49), pp. 15519-26. PubMed Web Address
- On the nature and origin of dicationic, charge-separated species formed in liquid water on X-ray irradiation. Nature chemistry. Vol. 5 (7), pp. 590-6. PubMed Web Address
- Differential effects of β-mercaptoethanol on CdSe/ZnS and InP/ZnS quantum dots. Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP. Vol. 15 (25), pp. 10418-28. PubMed Web Address
- Comparing molecular photofragmentation dynamics in the gas and liquid phases. Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP. Vol. 15 (18), pp. 6567-82. PubMed Web Address
- Fused porphyrin-single-walled carbon nanotube hybrids: efficient formation and photophysical characterization. ACS nano. Vol. 7 (4), pp. 3466-75. PubMed Web Address
- Transforming anion instability into stability: contrasting photoionization of three protonation forms of the phosphate ion upon moving into water. The journal of physical chemistry. B. Vol. 116 (44), pp. 13254-64. PubMed Web Address
- First-principle protocol for calculating ionization energies and redox potentials of solvated molecules and ions: theory and application to aqueous phenol and phenolate. The journal of physical chemistry. B. Vol. 116 (24), pp. 7269-80. PubMed Web Address
- Ultrafast hybridization screening in Fe3+ aqueous solution. Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 133 (32), pp. 12528-35. PubMed Web Address
- Wavelength dependence of ultraviolet radiation-induced DNA damage as determined by laser irradiation suggests that cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers are the principal DNA lesions produced by terrestrial sunlight. FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. Vol. 25 (9), pp. 3079-91. PubMed Web Address
- Chemistry. Tracking state-to-state bimolecular reaction dynamics in solution. Science (New York, N.Y.). Vol. 331 (6023), pp. 1398-9. PubMed Web Address
- Singlet and triplet excitation management in a bichromophoric near-infrared-phosphorescent BODIPY-benzoporphyrin platinum complex. Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 133 (1), pp. 88-96. PubMed Web Address
- Ionization energies of aqueous nucleic acids: photoelectron spectroscopy of pyrimidine nucleosides and ab initio calculations. Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 131 (18), pp. 6460-7. PubMed Web Address
- Investigation of macrocyclic polymers as artificial light harvesters: subpicosecond energy transfer in poly(9,9-dimethyl-2-vinylfluorene). The journal of physical chemistry. B. Vol. 112 (51), pp. 16367-81. PubMed Web Address
- Degree of initial hole localization/delocalization in ionized water clusters. The journal of physical chemistry. A. Vol. 113 (16), pp. 4423-9. PubMed Web Address
- Charge localization and Jahn-Teller distortions in the benzene dimer cation. The Journal of chemical physics. Vol. 129 (7), pp. 074104. PubMed Web Address
- Benchmark full configuration interaction and equation-of-motion coupled-cluster model with single and double substitutions for ionized systems results for prototypical charge transfer systems: noncovalent ionized dimers. The Journal of chemical physics. Vol. 127 (16), pp. 164110. PubMed Web Address
- Absence of a signature of aqueous I(2P(1/2)) after 200-nm photodetachment of I-(aq). The journal of physical chemistry. A. Vol. 110 (38), pp. 10947-55. PubMed Web Address
- Excitation-energy dependence of the mechanism for two-photon ionization of liquid H(2)O and D(2)O from 8.3 to 12.4 eV. The Journal of chemical physics. Vol. 125 (4), pp. 44515. PubMed Web Address
- Electron photodetachment from aqueous anions. 3. Dynamics of Geminate pairs derived from photoexcitation of mono- vs polyatomic anions. The journal of physical chemistry. A. Vol. 110 (29), pp. 9071-8. PubMed Web Address
- Photophysical properties of biologically compatible CdSe quantum dot structures. The journal of physical chemistry. B. Vol. 109 (20), pp. 9996-10003. PubMed Web Address
- Photophysics of dopamine-modified quantum dots and effects on biological systems. Nature materials. Vol. 5 (5), pp. 409-17. PubMed Web Address
- Electron binding energies of hydrated H3O+ and OH-: photoelectron spectroscopy of aqueous acid and base solutions combined with electronic structure calculations. Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 128 (12), pp. 3864-5. PubMed Web Address
- Nonresonant ionization of oxygen molecules by femtosecond pulses: plasma dynamics studied by time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy. The Journal of chemical physics. Vol. 123 (10), pp. 104310. PubMed Web Address
- Electron binding energies of aqueous alkali and halide ions: EUV photoelectron spectroscopy of liquid solutions and combined ab initio and molecular dynamics calculations. Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 127 (19), pp. 7203-14. PubMed Web Address
- Role of water in electron-initiated processes and radical chemistry: issues and scientific advances. Chemical reviews. Vol. 105 (1), pp. 355-90. PubMed Web Address
- Ultrafast dynamics for electron photodetachment from aqueous hydroxide. The Journal of chemical physics. Vol. 120 (24), pp. 11712-25. PubMed Web Address
Editorships and Editorial Boards
- Editorial Committee, Annual Reviews of Physical Chemistry, 01/2012 – 12/2016
- Editorial Board, Journal of Chemical Physics, 2009 – 2011
Professional Memberships
- American Chemical Society, 08/01/1996 –
- American Physical Society, 08/01/1996 –
- Royal Society of Chemistry, 08/01/1996 –