Santiago Morales

- Ph.D. Psychology, The Pennsylvania State University, 5/2017
- M.S. Psychology, The Pennsylvania State University, 12/2013
- B.A. Neuroscience, Hiram College, 5/2011
- Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Maryland, 06/2017 – 07/2021
Summary Statement of Research Interests
Santiago Morales’ research examines individual differences in the development of emotion and emotion regulation – often conceptualized as temperament. His research focuses on the impact that these early individual differences have on socioemotional development, especially with regards to the development of internalizing and externalizing psychopathology. For example, children with a fearful temperament or extreme shyness are more likely to develop anxiety problems, whereas children with an uninhibited or exuberant temperament are more likely to develop externalizing and attention problems (e.g., ADHD). Santiago is also interested in identifying factors, such as how children process social information, that help us determine which children at temperamental risk go on to develop socioemotional problems. Santiago’s work integrates multiple methods including behavioral observations, computer-based tasks (eye tracking), and neuroscience measures (EEG and fMRI).